I have overlooked many times, but hey, a little late and no one gets angry, right?
As stated by our profile, this community is set to any kind of help for beginners writers, our only intention is to provide any information that is not too complicated to look around the web a simple link on how to put the dashes , or something.
Finally, the rules are only to make the job easier for the administration, which would love the meet, and I (
) and Chibi (
) we do so with the intention of joderlos x'D. Any doubt discussed here.
About comments and behavior any user
* Disclaimer: It is called user any person who fails a comment in this community (no account is anonymous or not). 1. is not allowed any insult or degradation of any User. 2. not flammers / trolls. We are strong in saying that anyone who distorts the purpose of this community will be closed. 3. Thank support costs nothing, keep in mind that people who post their articles, archives, tutorials, or anything else, was not required to do so but that is their way to help you , so say "Thank You" will not dropping them ruin your fingers or "reputation." 4. Any error by a tutorial do not hesitate to inform comment on the same input and most specifically telling paragraph, point or error (may be spelling, or information already submitted). 5. Take care of your spelling when commenting. Smiley language nobody understands / Chat / MSN here, so be as neat as possible.
6. Here
not speak Spanglish
(or so one or the other). About
income new members to the community - 1. Anyone can join after submitting their work to the Directors in their email, as you know the income is MODERATE. 2. To enter necessarily have to own an account on livejournal
livejournal entries must have, if they only participate in this community can create their account and only allow entries here. 3. User content to leave posts without having to ver con
será expulsado. Esta no es una comunidad para auspiciar fanfics, o cualquier otra cosa sin el
expreso permiso de la Administración.
- Los miembros tienen la obligación de cuidar su ortografía.
cualquier duda, sugerencia, idea,díganla en esta entrada
Peticiones o dudas enviar un correo a la Administración
fic.tips @ gmail.com
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