Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Congratulate Expecting Baby

Teru and ID

Hi! Lately I've more chibis Than Other drawing style, and i really love how They look> w \u0026lt;~ here Have you two samples of That, my ID on deviantart and Teru, the original character from a manga I'm doing and will post here soon> \u0026lt;

If you like them, I'm Accepting $ 8 for a full body comissions CG chibi, i can do fanart or original characters

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cashback Bonus Taxed?

Movies Scrapbook 2011

Every year I say I go about doing a count of the movies I see and I always end up leaving or not even starting. Building on the lj, this year I promise to do. And to finish it. And not to leave. Pinky promise.

The Princess Diaries 2 (2004 ) * ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ratatouille (2007) ★ ★ ★  ☆ ☆
Wall·E (2008) *  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Never Let Me Go (2010) (v.o)  ★ ★ ★ ★ 
The Prestige (2006) (v.o)  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Zodiac (2007) (v.o)  ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Love And Other Drugs (2010) (vo) ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
True Grit (2010) (vo) ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
127 Hours (2010) (vo) ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Kids Are All Right (2010) (vo)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Friday, January 7, 2011

19th Birthday Party Ideas

sthebeat @ 2011-01-07T21:03:00

Since I'm extremely vague on holiday and I'm losing so much time watching Weeds I decided to make this list basing on last.fm listeners, because virtually all agree:)

10. Metric

Discovered in 2010 by Black Sheep , from the soundtrack of Scott Pilgrim. I will always remember how I laughed when I read in last.fm that was their worst song and my face when I started listening and realized that indeed Black Sheep is not your best song. Song most listened
: Gold Gun Girls
Top Albums: Fantasies

9. 30h! 3

Typical group the first time that you hear is the face of "what the hell am I listening?" But then you love. Although, personally, their first album still finish I like, the second is great, especially to encourage you and get you a smile and those pretty things.
most listened song: Deja Vu
Top Albums: Streets Of Gold

8. Kids In Glass Houses

I was one of my favorite bands but have gotten Dirt that I like even more. Little more to say. I just want you I want to see ya, and now. Song most listened
: Matters At All
Album most listened to: Dirt

7. Paramore

Words fail. They are my favorite band and I want one, three, five, or twenty members. Song most listened
: That's What You Get
Top Albums: Riot!

6. My Chemical Romance

Another to whom words are unnecessary. With Danger Days have shown me that although they remain su estilo haya cambiado un poco y me he dado cuenta de que me siguen gustando tanto como antes, cosa que tendía a olvidar porque llevaban años sin sacar algo nuevo.
Canción más escuchada: Na Na Na
Álbum más esuchado : Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys.

5. A Day To Remember

Gracias a If It Means A Lot To You   los re-descubrí y sucedió ese mágico momento where it seems that all your songs are talking about you. So they have become one of my favorite bands and it hurts in the soul not being able to see in Barcelona. Song
more escuhada : If It Means A Lot To You
Top Albums: Homesick

4. The Rocket Summer

"I can just put a line full of hearts? I think that summed it all pretty well. Song
most listened : Light
Top Albums: Of Men And Angels

3. Boys Like Girls

do not consider myself a fan of them, but there are a couple of songs I like very much and it is for those songs which are the third, although few live videos I've seen anything I would not mind to see if some day come.
most listened song: Up Against The Wall
Top Albums: Boys Like Girls


Those who have surprised me more than satisfactorily. Whenever they talked about I never imagined that I could get to like it so much. And, well, Sierra's voice has much to blame as well. Song most listened
: Redesing I
Top Albums: Fixed At Zero

1. You Me At Six

coincide completely with reality, You Me At Six have been my year group. To view them in a room so small and so close to them was worth all the stomping and shoving that took me. Hope to see you as often as needed. Song most listened
: Contagious Chemistry
Top Albums: Hold Me Down
