Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grey Tongue With Dogs


capo. 1 / 2

-Junsu Jaejoong ... my Junsu-touching his face clasping her lips to mine, leaving me to sing, her lips dry and cracked, the lamia with dedication and devotion.
Jae-Mmm ... ... I ... "I tried to speak but do not let every word out of his mouth was a dagger that is embedded even more.
-No ... Say anything, just enjoy the moment love let yourself go. "I said at bed time the floor starting to lick her beautiful body, licking her feet up gradually until you reach your crotch sacándole sighs.
-Uff ... Yes ... and ... no ...
"Not that? ... Come let me show you beautiful true love. "I said, licking up and shapely body, getting there pink said bite me and kiss me. And I started licking and biting his nipple awake making their hands land on my head trying to get away from the delicacy causing him to scream while my hand disturbed by this place hidden taxes that button that had played before but this time my hand would enter making you scream like crazy. My child was not ready for that burden, it was in my usual ... be touched by that unhappy that I wreck the soul. Without wasting time my 5 fingers at the entrance to my child, he was still with panting, when I put a single tug my hand doing that writhes in pain, which for me was the pleasure itself, there is no pleasure that is not painful ... "AHHHHH !!!!...

sings "Come ... small for me ..." she said starting to ramming it with my hand as I continued to lick her neck Are you seeing the stars.
Their screams flooded the room, only heard the sound of your ... - ASTA WHEN WILL SHUT! - Said while envestía became aggressive as if to split into two, was a beast in heat, but the wait was worth it ... because its membership was fully awake I'll stick around transmitting a pleasure you will never forget and the only one I would always give it , no matter which fooled me because nadien Yoochun give you what I offer, starting to lick the tip making the desesperacióny slowly killing pain.
-Me ... and ... STOP !!!... tims ... -My little writhing in pain that caused him, now you're mine will not let you take the decision would be mine if you will not be anyone.
- Wuuaa! ... Ah ... ah!
"So ... Junsu you like or want more, starting to get a little arm.
- g ... ah ... ack! ... No ... mas- his tears, his voice so delicious, you're my angel, my beautiful angel
"You have a nice voice, Junsu," I said my blood boil to hear just wanted to say so many things one time ... but ... the phone kept ringing and completely pissed me avia - CAN NOT LEAVE A FUCKING MESSAGE! bother ... "I said in the act of love ... and that's when I decided to answer.
"Sorry love I swear ... I do not want to go and leave you alone but ... we may not be at peace. -Removing my hand entry causing pain.
- AAAAAAAAAAH! ... -To get my hand just saw the blood of your post. YOU REALLY
-split asunder! "I said laughing like a fucking madman, Junsu's eyes were empty and showed no such pure innocence and I liked both emanated from the small entrance of my child covered in blood, beginning to lick my hand and entry down, licking and enjoying it, the entry of Junsu was a delicacy, "Your blood is exquisite ... love ... I'm tired of taking it .- My child will no longer answer ... dumb? Or just for the outrage committed by a few moments ago?. I left the room closing the door so that my child does not do anything wrong. The phone kept ringing and I was getting a headache by the noise.
"Well! ...
-Jae ... you did not answer the calls because ...
"Ah ... sorry but Yunho was in the bathroom, what happened if you were ...
" If I fail ... but Junsu not spoken to you, Yoochun is like crazy trying to reach and unresponsive on his cell phone ... -Hearing Yoochun was concerned that my child, I entered a rage.
- ... -
-Jae ?.... are you? ... Answers ... "Sorry ...
Yunho happened ?....
"Forget calling to tell you .... He could not finish because we heard a cry in my habitacióny the only one who was there was Junsu -Jae who was that ... are with someone ??...
-N ... I'm not with the dog you know how ... "" Uh trying to reassure him that did give me chance to see ... yes? - I went to the room with Junsu, seeing the boy trying to get up had the knife embedded in his right hip.
-THESE IDIOT HOW DO YOU LIKE HAPPENS stupidity! "I yelled pushing him to the bed, taking the dagger. Grab one of the sheets to put pressure on her wound and stop the bleeding ... "" You're giving him a slap. - Do not want to do seriously, but there is no choice, "he said. I went to my closet by pulling all the aviation space. Junsu was back where I found the handcuffs were on the floor, grabs y se las volví a poner apretándolas. –PERDON…PERO TU TE LO BUSCANSTES! – le dije cargando al pequeño metiéndolo hay adentro.
-No jae por favor…no me dejes aquí- me rogaba por no dejarlo encerrado después de lo que iso. - no me gusta estar en lugares chicos…Jae por favor.
-ESO DEBISTES DE AVERLO PENSADO ANTES DE COMETER ESA ESTUPIDES, AHORA TE AGUANTAS. –aporreándole la puerta del ropero saliendo para responder la llamada de Yunho, tratando de tranquilizarme.
-Perdón…Yunho era vicku que iso de las suyas… "I said looking very normal.
Jae Do not worry ... the fact is that I talk to say that it took us to arrive, we will stay in Japan three weeks after we returned, please try to locate Jae Junsu ... can not answer that ... Yunho
"Sure ... I will.
"See you in three weeks time. Hopefully Junsu to contact you ... -and short the call. On the other hand I never thought that my friends, my brothers consider basely betray me ... Oh ... Yunho, I still remember when I Changmin grips with the poor guy was at my mercy, not as I am with junsu now, but it was beautiful ... if you have him tied hand and foot, giving lashes for kissing a chick ... in a TV show ... I thought , to which I was going to stand idly by, that day also were alone, while a vibrator in her small role post ... now that I think Changmin did not put much ... resilience as junsu ... but in any case was a sight to see, masturbate while calling running and vice versa, is not it ... JAJAJA Voyeur! Who are they kidding ... I am the most wretched creature that could make god ... even Lucifer himself fears me, that day I said it would pay for his traicióny not forgive him ... while my minnie told me not to kiss, I did not believe him, my hands went for the whip marks on whether white skin.
-Minnie ... Betrayed CASE BECAUSE you do not realize you my love ... Portia is BIGGER CASE YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND !!!... I'd hate to see you PRERSONA OTHER THAN ME ...
-Ja ... e ... I seriously I love you but ... believe me ... I did not kiss love-Changmin just looked like he crawled to kiss my semi awake member making me sit on the floor while my little devil it's metíaa mouth, pulling me moaning sound. -Ahhh
!!!.... well ... more ... more
"I ... like ... Mmm ... jae ..." felt like his fangs scraped my erect member, putting my hands on your head in the pace is fast, god this child brings me to glory.
-Uff ... minnie ... but ... ahhh ... every little stronger ... eat it ... ahhh! "Um ... Jae
asmelo ... ... mmm ... I need you! "I separated from my member and started kissing wild, responded the same way, we were two animals, seeing who would take control ... they pull me to the floor, just saw that desperately untied the knot of his legs and approached me as his prey, being in front of me saw as oak put my watch to masturbate, her face made her desire and lust look really appetizing, it was frustrating to see that the only pleasure, one of my hands rested on her hips while another was on its entry by removing the vibrator.
"Now tuck your little one and move as you know," I said putting my hand started massaging his member. Just saw it as my child moved in search of my penis and then stuffing it alone.
-Ahhh !!... please do not fuck me ... and ahhh well I can not! "Said Changmin, his face full of lust.
"Then I'll put ... but you will do it only until I run into you. "I told him so sexy doing that little shudder with my words. And I did a single thrust to penetrate making scream. Starting to move up and down. Ahhh !!!...
-minnie ... I ... mmm!
-Ahn! ... Ah ... Yes ... and ... I ... ahh! "Changmin was moving faster and faster their movements, drove me crazy. We
-Va ... ... ... move more quickly ... mmm! I do not know if it was an order or pleading that was telling my little boy, he did in a way her hips moving up and down, looked like his penis begging for atencióny put my hand beginning to keep pace with the onslaught that had double giving pleasure.
-Ughk! ... Ahh !!!... whew! ... Ha .... "I could not speak Changmin was completely at my mercy.
"I ... love ... love ... mmm! - I said God was so beautiful in that state.
-Uhnn !!... ya ... I'm ... running ... Jae ... ahnn! -Making their moves faster.
"Come ... small ... together.
- AAAAAAAhh !!... mmm !!... ahhh! - Three more thrusts and the boy came to my hand and I inside it. Changmin moves out of my turning around making the member opposite me and starts licking the remains of my semen in my member while I ago the same licking his member, but I noticed that someone was watching us from the doorway was ... that thing the person who fit me for the first time what was mine ... I remember the discussion I had with you Yunho, when you said that love was not only suffer ago by a dial Changmin love, only I saw the face of the child, looking at me with fear, the fear that you will got involved ... and isolate sent me again, in the cottage, to think again of my actions unethical, but immoral acts ... just showing love someone. My love for minnie. In that period of my absence I take advantage Yunho to get away from minnie and steal your love ... it was that day you told me you love me you Yunho ... was a blip and harmful. Do not know the damage you caused me, really small ... I loved you ... that day was lying in my bed, I did not see anyone wanted to be alone, when I felt a weight the flip to see who was ... at first I thought it was Changmin to say that is not true that I love only me.
-Ah !!... are you ... going Junsu?
-Jae ... do not be sad ... I love you very much and I hate to see his words were well- que mi corazón latiera aprisa.
-Junsu no estoy de ánimos enserio…déjame solo por favor.
-Jae…siempre estaré para ti…no lo olvides –me acuerdo que me distes un beso en la mejilla, tu beso cálido y lleno de amor…No sé porque…pero entendí que no sería el último beso que me darías. Una semana estuve en mi burbuja pensando en Changmin no lo podía olvidar sus beso, sus caricias, su cuerpo que fue hecho por los dioses, ese cuerpo que me hace alucinar en las noches pensando que estás taking you with me in my bed, hear your moans in my ear.
-Jae? ... Not going to eat? "Junsu told me, with her face of innocence.
"No ... I have the hunger ... thanks - I said curtly. Jae
"But ... you should eat a little ... ALSO to me if ...? "Junsu really know how to take my lips smile because of that their treatment and love won me forgetting Changmin Yunho and betrayal, making out of my bubble where Changmin was just .
God is merciful to me three weeks for me and Junsu, without the hassle of that stupid. At the end of this sinner's prayers were answered, no more I go to the room I could not believe how dirty it was, the sheets and the floor stained with blood, blood that being beautiful and pure. With just remember all the desire to take, possess, humiliate, was a delight. I opened my closet door and saw him, he had closed his eyes looked so beautiful. I told her stroking his face look ... "holding out my arms to stay away. "Come, I have good news my love, I hug him back to me, I could feel your body go defensive. The load bed time to bed, I went to the bathroom, how lucky I have a first aid kit, in that remove the suture, who in their right mind would have in your medicine cabinet suture material? ... I wonder. While I take the needle and the clip getting everything ready for sewing the wound.
-Junsu !?... hurt you this ... but for your sake, you just trust me. -Giving to bite one of my shirts, I just saw how deep was the wound. Beginning to unite it again the cries of Junsu were heartbreaking. 35 points were enough to close the wound, remove the shirt of the mouth could see he was tired from all the excitement of today so that it fits in the same bed to sleep.
"You're so beautiful ..." I said, stroking his face. "Sleep little I watch out your dream ... today and always ..." giving a kiss on his lips.
woke up when they started knocking, I wake up with care to see my angel who was still sleeping, I was happy that he was beside me, the beatings were constant and strong-will ...
them? ... He thought he understood would arrive in three weeks, the door blows were followed, and if that is what echaríaa Junsu despertaríay lose, I raise no intention of all I wanted was to stay with him ... I just put a pair of jeans that I found lying on the floor, get a laugh remembering side because my room was a disaster.
"Well that was a night-no more active ... close to Junsu me to kiss her forehead. "I'll be back My love waits for you? - Giving a half smile, I went to my drawer to pull a string to q did not move or do something silly like yesterday. It's put together with handcuffs tying him to the bed and went out to see who it was.
"Who is it? ... "I was behind the door opens ...
-Jae me? ... "Said the brother-Junho Junsu ...
!?... you were not in China? ... -The last thing I was missing his brother ... but look very similar, and He does not come on the heels of Junsu ....
"Yes ... but only in passing three days ago I came to Korea and Junsu to go see this? ...
"Do not say ... they went to Japan in three weeks back. "I said quietly giving him the best of my smiles. "If I commit
Junsu ... I did not think out this week that said the boy would go down his face ... damn it because you have to look like him, hookers hormones start changing ... but I would not ill have it too ... would be like killing two birds with one stone. But I say ... no bullshit Junsu just wanted to ... but the brother is not evil and also has his own ...
-Jae !?... 're right ?....
-Ahh !!... sorry if I'm distracted ... "damn it, me and my stupid thoughts ...
" Because ... you were not tambiéna Japan? ...
-Yo ... on the recordings so I was not ... if you do not mind I have to arrange to go - I said it politely.
-Uhhm !!... Do not worry, I can contact the ... thanks for taking the forgiveness jae.
-No Junho worry. -Seeing that boy is gone, back into the room seeing that Junsu was still asleep, I go to see him better, his features for children, like a child ... my child. I lay down beside ASU starting to move the tips of my fingers on her body, sacándoles their Piro, was a delight to see it. I have always like this. But every dream you rate the reality, to appoint another and not me. Chunni !!...
-Uff ... - trying to accommodate, which was then opened his eyes and began to mourn.
-No ... is ... dream ... "my child, you wish you'd stop mourn. I do not like you're well, I want to see you happy.
-Junsu ... do not cry ... love ... I do not like you're well, ask me anything you want and I will give it, no matter what the price I will give it. - Giving you peace of mind.
-In ... seriously give me what I ask ... "said doubtful.
... love ... "If you want I'll give up my life ... if necessary, just to see you smile ..., stroking her face, kissing, giving you peace.
"And ... I want ... let me free ... Jae! ... I want this to ...
-NO NO !!... LET ME ASK YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE NOT! - Sharply away from him and watching him with hatred
-Pe ... ro ... Jae ... you ... me
-Por cierto… - volteándome para verlo, dándole una sonrisa de medio lado –No…creo que se preocupen por ti…hablo Yunho, y me dio la noticia que me llena de alegría mi amor. –acercándome, para estar encima de el, lamiéndole los labios. Para después ir hasta su oído. –Ellos no vendrán dentro de tres semanas, tres semanas solo tú, yo y estas cuatro paredes…


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