Healing Wounds
Cap. 2
not have to do this and you know there are other ways to make money ... but this way I do not think and I say for you and who cares for her every night you go - the guy told him seriously. Min
"I know but I have no need of another addition to what I earn from this goes to pay for treatment of meli ... if not for the leukemia would be another story and you know - getting worried jae said department
-Jae them ... ... take - tells Changmin handing an envelope with money.
-min and not talk it, plus the money that you send your parents is to pay your tuition min no I can not accept and you know ... - jae told to meli sleeping in his bed. Jae
"But seriously, I need not know that I have scholarship and I need it also helps you more than me. - Changmin told with a smile.
"No seriously I can not accept - reject the envelope. "Look
veil in this way is my payment for my stay in the house and food and you know that as much to be big and strong. - Changmin told amused by your comment.
"Mmm ... okay but this money will help pay the rent and the pantry are - jae said.
- ok ... sounds good ... boo!? - Changmin said dying of laughter.
"I min, I have enough that I tell you to come your - said the boy puffing his cheeks.
"By the way ... who is your dueñoo is believed that ¬ ¬
" You could say so ... I do not min - said the boy rubbing his forehead.
"As you do not know jae o.0 ... I can explain.
"He is the one who pays for the treatment of meli - said the boy sad. "Mmm
why you feel you belong ... Hey he knows what to meli? - Changmin asked from the kitchen.
"No, he does not know. But I will not deny that scares me sometimes.
"So not quite" your own "this is good not - handing him a cup of coffee jae.
"I think ... - grabbing a cup of coffee. - But it is thought that thinks that with money you can have that ¬ ¬, me sick. Just because you need the money so ago.
"Then he sees that he loves you> \u0026lt;hehehe" said Changmin
"I do not see the point ¬ ¬ ... hey do not have classes tomorrow's 3 am ¬ ¬ - jae said
-ah! > \u0026lt;. No I said. I have no classes tomorrow is meeting the parents' association - said the boy happy.
-OO I had completely forgotten about uu ... a moment there I forgot because I said o.0 - jae said sorry. "Do not worry
jae she told you to get some rest - he said the boy taking his rate to the sink.
-jae to rest Well I'm already going to sleep - in that Changmin is going jae leaving only their thoughts.
The morning began for Grace was 7 am and was raised aviation had this habit of rising at that time, she enters the clinic at 10 to work, this time was different because I was on vacation, but did not remove from the mind that guy yesterday.
-waaa! ... Happens to me I should not think of I am committed - was said to herself in that knock on your door.
"One moment - said the girl coming to the door.
"Hello beautiful! - Said a tall boy with black hair light brown skin.
-Chu ... Chunni! - Said the girl cuddling.
"Hello beautiful how are you! -Corresponding to the embrace. "Well
but it happens> \u0026lt;"said the girl - because not tell me that you will find as you told me you were coming in late for you to go to collect. - Cute pouting - we'll leave your stuff.
-Hahaha the joke is no premium to be surprised - he said, pressing her nose Yoochun. And Mike
this? ... - Asked Yoochun while grace led him to his room.
"No ... not know that he does not want to live together until we are married you know. - Said the girl fell on her head.
- And do not you visit? Pues que relación más rara de ustedes dos eh? - decía el joven asentando las maletas en el cuarto de huésped.
-Sí pero solo lo veo dos o tres veces por semana - decía la chica triste.
-Grace…perdón por lo que te voy a decir pero esta relación que tienes con Mike no durara mucho, perdón por ser directo pero es lo que pienso… y por lo que me as contando ama más a su trabajo que estar con su prometida perdóname pero eso no es amor. – terminaba de decir el chico haciendo que la chica se sienta mal.
-No es lo que parece chunni He loves me I know but I want to assume so, he also tries hard at work and so teaches and continues to study and wants to be a scientist ... I can not ... stop them ... to pass more time ... with me - starting to sob.
"Do not cry for forgiveness for what I told you? - Yoochun told him with a pout.
"You know you're not first ... I say it - said the girl trying to laugh. - Yesterday I said something like - trying to remember the words of jae. "That gives me
curious to know who is this person? - Intrigued Yoochun said giving him a mischievous laugh. Ah !!!...
a guy I met yesterday, well help him because he attacked that's what I said.
"Hmm ... look at the thing - the guy said - it turns out that was saved instead of you lol
-Chunni not laugh - said the girl sadly.
"Okay do not laugh - wiping their tears - but I find it funny> \u0026lt;. good to see that I am not wrong we invite you to eat and I tell my return to Korea you think. -Holding hands.
-Ok but decide where nn - said the girl happy.
It was already 11 am jae's house all was quiet or at least it seems. A guy gets up to prepare breakfast. Changmin
"Hello! - Said a girl with a smile.
"You! Leave jae know that you're forbidden to touch the cooking - bringing the girl to take the knife from his hand. Minni
"But one other thing to be sick to be maimed - the girl said with a pout.
"Yes but you should not make efforts to know what the doctor told you ...
" If I know that I care ... I know Changmin but it bothers me let me not do anything ... not even help in this ... min Jae seriously I feel wasteful if I do nothing. - Said the girl sitting - if all you serve is to paint, every time I say something I feel helpless - said the girl.
-Hey! Who told you that you are powerless? I know you are good at many things - the boy said encouragingly.
"So ... tell me I'm good?
"Well ... - the boy thought - to paint, paint it, to see the games we want, eating ... which by the way he ate mi porción de budín ¬¬…
-o.0 Hay!! Fui yo u.u - decía la chica apenada. - pero por mas minni en hacer deportes no puedo por falta de fuerzas y cada vez me salen moretones por el cuerpo y ni si quiera me e lastimado.
-No te menos precies nuna hay algo más importante que haces… - decía el chico mirándola tiernamente.
-Si…tú crees.
-Si >< y sabes que es… - la chica solo niega con la cabeza- ver a Jae feliz cada mañana. Porque para él eres lo más importante que tiene and would give anything to see you happy - caressing the girl's face. "Thank
Changmin - she kissed him on the forehead - thanks for those with Jae and me - the girl said hugging him. What I do not know is that Jae heard everything from the door frame. At that hearing that knock on the door.
-I open - Jae said from the floor. Hello
-jae! - Said a car guy with angel scandal.
-Junsu! Hurry, hurry, you're given something to drink or have breakfast? - I ask the boy was happy to have their friends nearby in particular Junsu because he showed what Jae knows sexual service work. Junsu
"Hello! - Meli and Changmin said.
"Hello !!... wooo oo smells good - raising his nose smelling the food cooking - said the curious boy.
-cooked uu - meli said "Well agamous
this - said Changmin finished cooking but at the first sign of fatigue you leave? we? - Told the boy with a smile.
-Ok ... - said the girl happy.
"While we will end up in the room and I Junsu - jae said the couple leaving the kitchen and when the kids sat down to talk about what happened yesterday.
-Jae Where were you yesterday Yunho was like crazy looking for you?
-Lose and do not know how he got my number ¬ ¬ ... o.0
-May I speak? ... you got that man crazy> \u0026lt;- Junsu said.
"I do not see the point in the same uu minni said ... God please give me a break.
"Certainly not you tell me where were you yesterday when you talk? ¬ ¬ and I said I would talk me thinking ungrateful> \u0026lt;. "Sorry
Junsu en serio se me junto todo ayer.
-Pues que paso, ocurrió algo malo?...
En eso Jae le cuenta a Junsu sobre su atraco con siwon y la golpiza que le dio y como conoció a una Grace a la chica que le debe “su vida” y su encuentro no casual con Yunho y su reclamo de cómo hacer para que Jae sea de su propiedad.
-Wao o.o… me dejas sin palabras en serio… - decía Junsu asombrado por lo sucedido en el transcurso de la noche.
-Ese hombre me da miedo u.u… no sé hasta dónde puede llegar con este capricho suyo - decía Jae bajando la cabeza- y sobre todo meli vio especially when Yunho teníaa me strength.
"But she knows what you do at night no? ...
"If I know I did not want to look at what I do ... if I explain it? - Said the boy looking at Junsu.
- If you think you're right ... - said they heard junsu in that they spoke for lunch.
"Just hope I do not see him today - Jae said going to the kitchen with Junsu.
"Mmm that can fix - the boy said with an amused smile - opened a new disk in the center about going and see that we caught you think?. Addition knowing the chances are that you search the usual bar if I remember correctly.
"Sounds good ... then I dress elegant - the two kids look and start laughing.
"That is the funniest? -
Changmin said "We'll today - said the girl - please beware - giving them a smile.
"Do not worry - jae told him hugging and kissing her forehead.
- either eating it said - Changmin said eating the first bite at the time Jae felt so good about himself and came out without thinking in mind the girl last night.
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