Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sebastian Dry Clean Only

BEST OF 2010: Cómics y libros.

Vacation almost gives him a lot of free time and boredom to accumulate. Boredom leads to wanting to do something, no matter how silly it is, with the PS. The lack of imagination (due to excessive boredom ) ends with the creation of lists and, as we are at year end, are lists of the best of my year, do not necessarily have to be been launched this year, but it is when I've discovered or when I liked, and so on.
had planned to do everything at once, but I have been going more and more things, so I decided to do it by sections. First, as the title indicates, comics and books abound not due to lack of time I've had this year to read books and my recent discovery of the comic world. Of course, no intentional order.
Scott Pilgrim

"Scott, if your life Had A Face, I Would punch it in the balls. Seriously. "
I've never had too much curious to read comics. I once tried to read Death Note and I gave up near the end, mostly because of laziness of having to read on your computer. Until I discovered Scott Pilgrim.
One afternoon I was looking at the imdb of Michael Cera and saw that this year released a film called Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. I got curious and looked up information about it. So there is everything. Then came the promotional page on which you could "scottpilgrimear" and lack of having to do anything, I decided give it a try. The best I've done in my life. I loved it from start to finish. It made me laugh out loud and crook but not even half of the references to video games, characters, original plot and dialogue seem so perfect that it immediately became one of my favorite things. Highly recommended. Very much.

The Umbrella Academy

"I'm possesed the act of change in a revolver. I am revolution packed Into a suitcase bomb "
take 5 years knowing this comic by Gerard Way and yet I never thought to try to read it. That little thought at the time xD. The fact is that this summer I went to UK and I wanted to buy a volume of Scott Pilgrim, but saw none. In the absence of SC, the day before returning to Spain I had noticed that The Umbrella Academy, as it was impossible to find SP, since I bought it. Sure, it was the second volume, I first had it to read on your computer. The fact that the first left me a little "bleh" was not bad but there was something I was not convinced. And it was time to read the second. Not if it's because it was physically or I know, but it seemed perfect. It had everything I liked and what they could expect from someone like Gerard Way. Also is great graphically (color colorful colors). He has a huge plus: I remember very much My Chemical Romance, my favorite band. I just wish / pray / pray to Gods of Kobol, which has a third, fourth, fifth volume or they're needed.

After reading I wanted to read some of superheroes, more "rather normal" if I could be. It happened that soon premiered The Walking Dead, comic book adaptation of Robert Kirkman. As I do, I sought information on TWD and its author and I found out that Kirkman had a comic book superhero, Invincible. He had, what I consider "good looks" and after reading several reviews I decided to read it.
will not be like the rest of superhero comics, but I think they tricked me by saying that this was one of the best. At first I was not convinced a lot of volume but volume was darker and liking it until I came to, say, "the story of the father." That's when I knew I loved it. Issues I still have enough to read (I by 57), but just thinking about how it started and where they go now, as it has evolved and all that can be ... The truth, it seems impressive. Especially the feeling that when it seems you can not give anymore, there is an overrun again.
In short, it is worth reading left eye.

The Hunger Games (and following)

"I really can not think about kissing When I've got a rebellion to incite"

The only books on the list (yuhu!). I read the first chance, simply because I had to order some of Círuculo and did not know which. Moreover, the argument I called enough attention (the future, born reallity show as punishment for previous revolutions, dictatorship ...). Right now, it's my favorite series, especially the protagonist who is so not a turkey that is waiting for her crush. BAMF is a full-blown. Not even interested in love until he has no choice. The other characters are wonderful and very interesting plot. And, like most sagas, notes that will deflate as they pass the books, but that is beginning to be normal.
cosets whole saga I love, except the end, the death of some characters and resolution of the love triangle, which in this case for me is more a problem of how you are counting, that of who is left.

And here the first part. And continue another day:)

> Images are mine. Do not repost on tumblr, thanks.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Strongest Recorder Program


Como se habrán dado cuenta, tenemos nueva cara, agradecimientos a  [info] fruitstyle  , lo tuve que editar, pero quedó bien :D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Police And Bailiff Seizure Auctions Uk


really think it should use whatever .-. often Well, when I have something new to what I'll do e_e

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Green Jelly Bracelet Meaning

Back to the old days xD

This is what I have cruelly robbed [info] earlydreams and [info] yoli_19
I remember that long ago I did something similar but less I feel like repeating. He could not remember what it was doing a meme xD

Ask me to photograph something, anything, and I'll do it: D

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Finalize Magnavox Mwr 10d6

Wands Are Only as Powerful as the wizards Who use Them. Playful

Below the cut I leave my humble review of Harry Potter and the Part 1 of death. I think they are probably things in the pipeline but basically this is what you get. We

piecemeal. I'll start with these two scenes as discussed in recent months. Dance H / Hr and kiss.

- On the dance, I must say a few things. More than sexual tension, the only thing I've seen Harry is desperate to encourage your best friend who is depressed lost BECAUSE RON IS GONE. I do not understand how you get the idea that they would kiss and more crap I do not know when Hermione is taking a crap on Ron. It is inconsistent. I will not deny the chemistry between them but mostly because Daniel and Emma have a chemistry that you shit y eso se transmite. Pero no sólo en esa escena sino en las premieres y en todos los actos a los que acuden. Es que joder como se nota que la mente ve lo que quiere ver o que pasa ¿He sido yo la única que la ha visto llorar porque Ron no está o eso también me lo he inventado? En fin más de lo mismo. Incluso mi amiga que está totalmente fuera del fandom, que no ha leído los libros, cuando le pregunté lo que opinaba me dijo lo mismo. Y jamás le he hablado de las eternas guerras shipperiles ni pollas en vinagre. Creo que la falta de entendimiento está en que yo veo a H/Hr como hermanos y el incesto es illegal. Good and give it a comic about the matter what you tell me of Dan dancing? jajajaja puto is the master of the roost.

- The kiss made me gag. I can not say much ground this respect because gag is the word that best describes how I felt. Now I understand the comment of Daniel Emma qualifying giving him a kiss or something wild. I do not remember his words. Thinking otherwise is a product of Voldemort's mind so disgusting that romance does not fit. I do not know how to explain it but if I were the H / Hr I would have liked.

For an overview of Yet the movie, let the term, cock-eyed. The adaptation seems to me pretty good and after all I am glad that have been divided into two parts. Much information compressed and a thousand things without giving me would have caused a bleeding ulcer. I was so excited
Harry visits the grave of their parents. Here is my heart sank thinking that meant everything to him. I could not help feeling infinite pity. I came to mind Sirius, Remus and the times in which they were all so happy ... was a huge mix of feelings, around a bit. Other scenes that moved me were the Moon appear from the darkness in the dungeon of Malfoy Hermione while screaming could be heard everywhere, or the death of Dobby. And to name some action, that of the 7 Potter is so far and for my taste, the best start of all.
The entire scene of the ministry is another of my favorites.

You see, the film seemed to be a last and that the best is yet to come. Needless to say, Dan and Rup are the best that exists and to Emma seems it has improved. RON WEASLEY IS MY KING FOREVER!

By the way, I missed Hogwarts like a bitch. The common room Grand Ballroom ... But if I missed even Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan for the love of God!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Advent 8215p Recovery Disk

Above the noise

This is a full-blown post is hate, but somewhere I have to complain long and tendidamente.

I've come to see very big fan of McFly, even though I knew relatively recently, I never never had "tainted" to a group in such a short time, this means that in SO at 2 weeks and I knew all the songs I had seen a thousand videos on Youtube (video clips, fanvids, interviews, DVD extras, etc..) and I loved everything about them. Although they were not at all my type of group I will defend to the death, when they called sold, commercial, whatever, I would still queríay I want (to their former self musically speaking) because they are still the same people, or so I thinking. I can understand

Maso least, who want to become known and such, and that's good to come to play but what had to be this way? I think not. And I understand perfectly well who want to change and try other styles, one thing is that almost all groups that have done or will do, but they were still the same, do not you know.
The truth that the blame is not the current style is, I like Cobra Starship but they were so from the beginning, and I love Justin Timberlake, more of the same. But this radical change is not where it comes from not going with them, and reminds me very much, "I do not want to say it is cruel but ...- to Dover. And that's the worst thing I can say, I assure you.
addition,-that it is a bit personal, remind me what I call "new-pop-with-chunda-chunda-to-bottom" well represented by people like Jason Derulo, Taio Cruz, Usher now and, yes, "Justin Bieber. Although now that I think it is obvious that this record McFly remind me Taio Cruz. Anyway, I personally hate this style, mostly because in my town, at parties and weekend play songs how are you all day, and like it or not, you get tired. (Fun FUCT: my friends believe that one day I went home early because I was sick and bored me when I left because I really like listening to In My Head after I was banging against the wall until he lost consciousness .) .... And I'm going around the bush.
Anyway, to attach a bit the last paragraph, that to hear the new McFly is a picture in my head: my friends, whom I love with all my heart but we have taste totally different music-Party Girl dancing, listening to the fullness, ringing in the pub we go every day and I say, "But if you like McFly you." And be like noses, I explain that to me, those are not them, who do not know what bothers me that people would know that and not only for what they were, but they were alive. I sincerely hope not become too popular as to reach the small town where I live because I do not bear that everyone will start listening.

Worst of all, and what bothers me most is not going to his concert before this. Ya nunca volveran a tocar esos setlist y yo me hundiré en la miseria de no haber podido ver (por tropecienta mil veces) a uno de tus grupos preferidos en su mejor momento.

PD: La portada es ho-rri-ble. De las que menos me gustan e incluso odio.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Removing A Wart Like Anemone On A Dog


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Siiiiiiiiiii! At the end I'm not as miserable as I thought and I have tickets to go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 on Friday. I say final tickets because I'm not alone. For which you have no Twitter, take a week biting my nails because my friend was between pinto and valdemoro and I came to say that if safely.

Now I have fear of what might happen. On one side are the high expectations with this film in particular (both parts) because "there moments and moments "in this book and elsewhere, and only one remains. Nine years of my life since it was released the Philosopher's Stone (said quickly).

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dirt Bikes For Cake Decorating

I do not like goodbyes.

I do not like goodbyes, but the end is getting closer. Now we only have one opportunity to re-see them all together in a world premiere and do not like the idea. I already know the story of "everything has an end" and "nothing is forever" and blah, blah, blah. The end of the story is fine as it is but it's still so much that I miss ...
There are people that breaks things and moves because it is what it is but I have always found it hard to adapt to changes in that regard. Not only is less real things like Lost, Harry Potter is still miss high school, college, time spent with people who are no longer in my life. I find it hard to break with the past do not know if I explain, but I try my best I can. Each time something is about to end back to miss all of the above. Put another way, it's as if all the stages of my life were in a bag and each time something is coming to an end all to go back again. Yesterday while watching I came back the premiere to happen. Nostalgia think it would be the right word, do not know.

Buah and all that stuff has left me suddenly and release was not the reason for this post. The real reason was to re guaperrimos say they were all, and to evidence.

started by the protagonists. I think it's the first time I meet a handsome Daniel premiere. As I said yesterday on twitter (I know a hundred times and sorry for the spam), but is that "can not bear." Emma bit Masy teaches the soul but he was much prettier than the previous day (perhaps I have not seen is favored with red lips). Girls may have been frozen, but you have to suffer to show off xD and divine Rupert always going wherever it goes. And will love him so much that I am blind what can I do ^ ^

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now turn to Bonnie for me was beautiful. I really love this girl, her hair (it goes without saying that little thing reminds me of Lily poor)

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I think you missed the hairstyle but is wearing Rarita what I do not think anything was wrong and Matt the photos do not do it justice because I was VERY AWESOME.

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Tom and Jade to the rescue. I will not mess with him because he is so cute, so polite and so grateful that he does not deserve.

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And finally what should never be done, ever. Katie looks like a lady and the main character reminds me of one of these Asian scary movies can be, "Samara" Prota "The Signal"? I do not know but something. The makeup is horrible to begin with is whiter than your skin tone and those lips ... looks like an undead (I have not touched the color to the picture). Not to mention the hair and outfit. My grandmother was more modern in their times. Then there Clémence which I find very cute face but the dress is to put him and let him fire burning three days.

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PD: I can not fail to mention the toenail (plaster) the relative of Bonnie. NO WAY!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Swollen Nipples In Pregnancy

Layout: Changes

Para nadie es novedad que la DRAE decida hacer cambios en una lengua tan vida como lo es el Español, siempre sacando palabras que uno no ocupa, agregando nuevas, actualizando las jergas de distintos países hispano hablantes o sencillamente quitando o cambiando normas sobre la escritura; Ahora, lo que me toma por sorpresa (no sé si a ustedes) y encuentro de algo, un poco, de mal gusto es que ya el sólo/solo se written as one word "solo" without accent, just like this / this, that / this, and so on.

Obviously, I'm not against other measures such as the "Greek i" (y) is called "ye", or the CH, and LL and not letters of the alphabet (I never considered as such after all they are two letters together causing another sound).

The following excerpt is from Article "The 'Greek i' is called 'e'"
  1. The Greek i will e . Some letters of our alphabet received several names: be, be high or benefits for long b; vee, be low or benefits cuts for v, double vee, go double or go to w, i and e for the Greek or letter and, CETA, yield, zeta or Zeda to z. The new Spelling proposes a single name for each letter: be to b, for v vee, double vee for w and e for y (i rather than Greek). According to the coordinator of the new text, the most widely used in English of the Y is consonant (lightning, horse), hence its new name, the majority also in many countries in Latin America. Of course, the disappearance of the Y also because of the i affects America, now called simply i.

  2. Ch and ll are not alphabet. Since the nineteenth century, the letter combinations ch and ll were considered letters of the alphabet, but in 1999 became Spelling digraphs considered, namely "signs two-letter spelling." However, both ch and ll remained in the alphabet chart. The new edition of the deleted "formally." So alphabet letters become 27.

  3. Only black coffee without tilde . There are two written accent uses traditionally associated with the tilde diacritic (amending the letter as well as the modified, for example, the umlaut: arrive, old). These two uses are: 1) the determinants demonstration opposing this, this, these, these (That book I like) versus pronominal uses the same ways (That I do not like). 2) The voice that made the adverbial use only (just arrived here) its value adjective (Live alone).

  4. "How are you distinctions are not strictly conform to the rules of diacritical tilde (as in no way precludes a tonic to an unstressed word), since 1959 the spelling rules restricting accent mandatory only for situations of potential ambiguity (He said this morning come / said this morning there, I'll just this Summer / I'll just this summer.) Since such cases are rare and are easily resolved by the context, remember that you can not tick the adverb alone and demonstrative pronouns even in cases of ambiguity ", it says the new commission Spelling, who, yes, it does not condemn their use if someone wants to use the tilde in cases of ambiguity. Coffee for everyone. However, the SAR has spent decades leading by example and since 1960 in its publications does not tick either alone or in the demonstration.

  5. Guion, also without tilde . Up Now, the SAR considered "within the meaning spelling monosyllabic words that included a series of vowels pronounced as hiatuses in some areas as Hispanic and diphthongs in others." However, allowing "writing accents to those who clearly perceive the existence of hiatus." You could therefore write script-script, hui-hui, laugh, laugh, Sion-Sion, buffoon, rascal, fie, fie ... The new Spelling believes that these words are "monosyllabic spelling purposes "and that whatever form of delivery, is always written without accent: script, Hui, laugh, Sion, buffoon and fie. In this case also, the HKSAR is not limited to proposing and "condemns" any other use. As Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez said, "write script will be a spelling mistake."

  6. 4 or 5 and not 4 or 5 . The old spellings were prepared thinking that everyone escribíaa hand. The new has not lost sight of the modern mechanical writing: the already decrepit typewriter to computer. So far, the combination was written with accents when he appeared between numbers (4 or 5 million). Was an exception to the rules of English accent, "was the only word that could lead tilde unstressed." However, computer keyboards have eliminated "the danger of confusing the letter or the number zero, larger."

  7. Qatar Qata not r. Although there always was, reminiscent of the coordinator of the new spelling, the letter k and English fully, thus deleting the letter q as alone represents the phoneme / k /. "In our system of writing the letter q represents only the phoneme / k / in the combination qu before eoi (cheese, wanted). Thus, writing a few words with q (Iraq, Qatar, quorum) represents an inconsistency with the rules. " Hence happens to be written now: Iraq, Qatar and cuórum. What if someone prefers the previous script: "You must do it as if it were of foreign raw (quorum, in italics and without tilde)." Although this rule does not work for names that are still written in bold, just as some prefer to write New York to New York.
more information, feel free to read the article in full or wander around the latest SAR.

Thanks for the article to ladybrokendoll , and that but I had not found a source.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hawaii Themed Goodbye Cakes

Grammar Rules Writing well

Today I found something very interesting. Recently with the new number of SoloHumo (Yaoi Magazine), editing one of my fanfic, Beta-reader magazine official told me that one as Fick (or a person who writes) is often wrong when you try to join two verbs.

me explain better, when one tells you that a certain character and walk, think about something and towards a certain goal (full step) one uses the prefix-ing,-endo often, but not the way ma , s right, so I started looking for items of grammar and I found a page in my life I had read, @ The bark of the culture, more specifically the grammar section . I want to pay attention to the following, please:

Agreement between subject and verb .

  • The verb agrees with the core of its subject in number and grammatical persons.
The corner lamps cast their dim light.
Lantern: 3 rd person plural
Project: 3 rd person plural

Special Cases
  • A subject corresponding compound plural verb.
The plum and peach pink clouds were
plum and peach trees were pink clouds.
  • If the nuclei of a compound subject representing different grammatical persons, for matching is preferred the first person to second, and this, in the third. In terms of numbers, because it is a compound subject, the verb is plural. You
Ely self constitute a formal partnership.
You: 2 nd person singular
He: 3 rd person singular consist of: 1 st person plural
I: 1 st person singular
You and he know my views. You
: 2nd person singular you know: 2
He first person plural: 3 rd person singular
  • YOU and YOU-plural 2nd person pronouns, are used with the verb in 3rd person.
You are always ready for anything.
You: 2 nd person singular. Is: 3 rd person singular. You
ignore the lesson of the day. You
: 2 nd person plural. Unknown: 3 rd person plural.
  • If the core of the subject is a collective noun followed by a supplement whose term is plural, the verb may agree either already in the collective singular core, as in plural tea Terms of complement.
The flock of coots flying at ground level.
The flock of coots flying at ground level.
  • When a compound subject, one of its core summarizes or contains significant to everyone else, the verb agrees with the singular kernel.
The father, mother and children, the whole family, will go on vacation.
  • When a unique core compound subject are joined by NI Coordinates and O, is common and possible use of the verb and the singular and plural.
Either wait for your reward.
Either wait for their reward. Neither
understand their attitude.
understand their attitude.
  • Cuando los núcleos de un sujeto compuesto son formas neutras, el verbo se emplea en singular.
   Esto y aquello interesa poco .
  • Cuando los núcleos de un sujeto compuesto son infinitivos, el verbo se emplea en singular.
Me agrada estudiar y dibujar.
Ir y venir resulta fatigoso.

Uso correcto del gerundio.

  • En frases verbales, el gerundio se utiliza para dar idea de duración o continuidad de la acción, o para expresar inmovilidad.
still raining.
They were awaiting a response.
Lawmakers are still discussing the project.

  • When functioning as an adverb can be used to indicate simultaneous action or preceding the main verb.
The cart is neighing. Watching the news
I found your name. Walking around the neighborhood
met a friend.

  • Using the gerund to give an idea of later or incorrect result. Wrong
: Cortázar travel France, dying in that country years later. Right
: Cortázar travel to France and died there years later.

I think those errors have been the most remarkable of any Ficker, writer of half a minute or anyone who like the lyrics. Hope you have helped, and do not forget to go through the links, after all there are quite detailed information and examples that may help you perfectly.

On the other hand, I visited this Blogspot for a long time (and I had forgotten to give it as a review) Write faultless. They have a campaign for proper spelling, and also articles that are quite interesting to read. Help eradicate Hoygan .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fee Beautiful Agony Clips


Now that I'm being serious with PS, I think it is time to make a list of resources to give credit :) (More to be added)

[info] killcolor  

[info] toxic_caps  
[info] killcolor  
[info] rawr_caps  
[info] cap_it  
in a dream caps
leave me the white
karen gillan fan
deborah ann woll online

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Best Under Seat Subwoofer

It made me feel sad but ...

After months
still excites me like an idiot with this kind of thing.

PS: I'm back (or so it seems) xD

Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Treat Breasfeeding Tendinitis

A month later...

Posting from my iPod... let's see if a can make this right.

I know I said I wouldn't abandon this and I won't. It's just I barely have time to highschool and watch this crazy amounts of shows so...

So, I'm going to talk about what I'm watching and listening to ans stuff.
First: I'm watching like 17 shows during the week, but I prefer talking about them in other post because they are waaaay to much. So, I'm currently watching Legend Of The Seeker and I'm loving it and I'm not gonna lie, it's one of my favourite right now. I've got 9 episodes left and I don't want it to end guess I'm a sucker for cancelled shows Obviously, what I love the most is Kahlan/Richard. But I also like the prettyness, the story, and Cara (and almost every mord-sith). There's no need to say that if you haven't wacht it YOU HAVE TO.

Recently I rediscovered A Day To Remember. And when I say rediscovered I mean I now love them. The thing with this kind of music is that I am not usually in the mood of listening to screams, but I guess my old me is back again and I had the luck to remember that ADTR deserved a second chance (Due to If It Means A Lot To You ). And I also have been listening to 30h!3 a lot. I think they are pretty great. They have some seriously catchy songs.

So, coming next: Fall Season and MCR post on how much I missed them and love them.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone .

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

American General Finance

Today I come with some things that I found wandering around on the internet, I sincerely hope that helps some. Undoubtedly, certain items are basic, but all part of trifles so I look forward to take the time to keep an eye (or two, works best xD) and give the inspiration click .

Article : How to Write Well .
Author: I know, but should be there.

First of all, I'll just quote a few paragraphs, if theretofore like to read the full article: We welcome you.
  • Pace, pace, rhythm
In any composition, especially if they are to make someone laugh, the pace is essential. There should be no sentences that do not lead to any Instead, they have no reason to be there. Sentences should be easy to read and should lead the reader through the history of an agile and entertaining. [...]

The pace battery is like a song goes unnoticed when it is well played, but if not, the song is unbearable. Normally, therefore, we realize that a good text has rhythm, but when it is not clear that we needed to do something and not know what it is. It is the rhythm, is what makes between easy and we do not want to stop reading just a mess. So me terminé yo Ángeles y Demonios. Hay que joderse.
  • Cuidar la estructura
Todo aquel que haya hecho redacciones en el colegio sabe que los textos constan de tres partes bien diferenciadas: introducción, nudo y desenlace. Si no has ido nunca al colegio, no te distraigas porque vas a necesitar lo que viene ahora.
  • Cuida la ortografía
Procura cuidar la ortografía en tus textos. Las faltas son a tus artículos lo que las dissonant notes for best musical composition. So in groups of middling singer is always the one who gets wet.

misspellings divide between those who hit you a punch in the nose and that spoils the rhythm, but in fact any misspellings pace and finish destroying the morale of the seasoned reader.

The first class will find words like "exquisite", "umilde", "expect" or "vevida." Such droppings directly discredit you as a writer and completely break the pace of reading, among other things because the reader will think that if I had a card to write to you what should have been removed long ago. Things like "rider" or "imberosímil" should cost twelve points in a row. Even if you think you're going well, the best to everyone is to not go out to conduct an item under these conditions.

In the second class, those faults that basically destroy the rhythm of reading, things fall as the different uses of the for-what (together and separately), the yes-no and the wonderful possibilities of accentuating where, as Who, where and why-to. Some of them will have you removed a couple of license and other items will leave the reader wondering about what you really wanted to say, abortion in any case the race for the laugh.

Bus, took what was always stressed everywhere, an extra data: Madrid (do not know if you find in bookstores or have a envíoa other countries) but There is a book called drafting Manual: How to write well in English will be a staple (?) I do not know, but nobody dies start, you can see and buy it here .

was thinking of a PDF on writing (hey, is not the same story), I hope to start soon.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pomodoro Dipping Sauce Recipe

Gift Chia, porfin! Update List

Hello hello, anyone who takes her little time to stop by my livejournal. well ... now I bring promised, porfin, drawing q chia he had promised, in this are Sakuno Ryoma and Sakuno's horse, for q q I thought would look cool. but hey, you are saying and give me q approval.

color is painted by hand. I hope and has been well. aunq sees skin pale white

XD Greetings!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shawn Michaels Tights

hello again?

Ok, so, it's been two weeks since I wrote here but I was very very busy watching Dexter, and I have these little inspiration crisis (I hope it's gone now). And now that I finished Dexter (which, btw, I love) I've started my last year in high school, so I haven't got much time. Anyway, from time to time I did some icons and I don't wanna wait til have more so, here they are!

[3] Dianna Agron
[2] Anna Torv
[3] Bryce Avary
[2] Jamie Bamber
[1] Kristen Bell
[8] Paramore (mostly Hayley)
[11] Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Live