Posting from my iPod... let's see if a can make this right.
I know I said I wouldn't abandon this and I won't. It's just I barely have time to highschool and watch this crazy amounts of shows so...
So, I'm going to talk about what I'm watching and listening to ans stuff.
First: I'm watching like 17 shows during the week, but I prefer talking about them in other post because they are waaaay to much. So, I'm currently watching Legend Of The Seeker and I'm loving it and I'm not gonna lie, it's one of my favourite right now. I've got 9 episodes left and I don't want it to end guess I'm a sucker for cancelled shows Obviously, what I love the most is Kahlan/Richard. But I also like the prettyness, the story, and Cara (and almost every mord-sith). There's no need to say that if you haven't wacht it YOU HAVE TO.
Recently I rediscovered A Day To Remember. And when I say rediscovered I mean I now love them. The thing with this kind of music is that I am not usually in the mood of listening to screams, but I guess my old me is back again and I had the luck to remember that ADTR deserved a second chance (Due to If It Means A Lot To You ). And I also have been listening to 30h!3 a lot. I think they are pretty great. They have some seriously catchy songs.
So, coming next: Fall Season and MCR post on how much I missed them and love them.
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