Today I found something very interesting. Recently with the new number of SoloHumo (Yaoi Magazine), editing one of my fanfic, Beta-reader magazine official told me that one as Fick (or a person who writes) is often wrong when you try to join two verbs.
me explain better, when one tells you that a certain character and walk, think about something and towards a certain goal (full step) one uses the prefix-ing,-endo often, but not the way ma , s right, so I started looking for items of grammar and I found a page in my life I had read, @ The bark of the culture, more specifically the grammar section . I want to pay attention to the following, please:
Agreement between subject and verb .
- The verb agrees with the core of its subject in number and grammatical persons.
The corner lamps cast their dim light.
Lantern: 3 rd person plural
Project: 3 rd person plural
Special Cases Lantern: 3 rd person plural
Project: 3 rd person plural
- A subject corresponding compound plural verb.
The plum and peach pink clouds were
plum and peach trees were pink clouds.
plum and peach trees were pink clouds.
- If the nuclei of a compound subject representing different grammatical persons, for matching is preferred the first person to second, and this, in the third. In terms of numbers, because it is a compound subject, the verb is plural. You
Ely self constitute a formal partnership.
You: 2 nd person singular
He: 3 rd person singular consist of: 1 st person plural
I: 1 st person singular
You: 2 nd person singular
He: 3 rd person singular consist of: 1 st person plural
I: 1 st person singular
You and he know my views. You
: 2nd person singular you know: 2
He first person plural: 3 rd person singular
: 2nd person singular you know: 2
He first person plural: 3 rd person singular
- YOU and YOU-plural 2nd person pronouns, are used with the verb in 3rd person.
You are always ready for anything.
You: 2 nd person singular. Is: 3 rd person singular. You
You: 2 nd person singular. Is: 3 rd person singular. You
ignore the lesson of the day. You
: 2 nd person plural. Unknown: 3 rd person plural.
: 2 nd person plural. Unknown: 3 rd person plural.
- If the core of the subject is a collective noun followed by a supplement whose term is plural, the verb may agree either already in the collective singular core, as in plural tea Terms of complement.
The flock of coots flying at ground level.
The flock of coots flying at ground level.
The flock of coots flying at ground level.
- When a compound subject, one of its core summarizes or contains significant to everyone else, the verb agrees with the singular kernel.
The father, mother and children, the whole family, will go on vacation.
- When a unique core compound subject are joined by NI Coordinates and O, is common and possible use of the verb and the singular and plural.
Either wait for your reward.
Either wait for their reward. Neither
understand their attitude.
Neither understand their attitude.
Either wait for their reward. Neither
understand their attitude.
Neither understand their attitude.
- Cuando los núcleos de un sujeto compuesto son formas neutras, el verbo se emplea en singular.
Esto y aquello interesa poco .
- Cuando los núcleos de un sujeto compuesto son infinitivos, el verbo se emplea en singular.
Me agrada estudiar y dibujar.
Ir y venir resulta fatigoso.
Uso correcto del gerundio. Ir y venir resulta fatigoso.
- En frases verbales, el gerundio se utiliza para dar idea de duración o continuidad de la acción, o para expresar inmovilidad.
They were awaiting a response.
Lawmakers are still discussing the project.
- When functioning as an adverb can be used to indicate simultaneous action or preceding the main verb.
I found your name. Walking around the neighborhood
met a friend.
- Using the gerund to give an idea of later or incorrect result. Wrong
: Cortázar travel to France and died there years later.
I think those errors have been the most remarkable of any Ficker, writer of half a minute or anyone who like the lyrics. Hope you have helped, and do not forget to go through the links, after all there are quite detailed information and examples that may help you perfectly.
On the other hand, I visited this Blogspot for a long time (and I had forgotten to give it as a review) Write faultless. They have a campaign for proper spelling, and also articles that are quite interesting to read. Help eradicate Hoygan .
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