Sunday, November 7, 2010

Swollen Nipples In Pregnancy

Layout: Changes

Para nadie es novedad que la DRAE decida hacer cambios en una lengua tan vida como lo es el Español, siempre sacando palabras que uno no ocupa, agregando nuevas, actualizando las jergas de distintos países hispano hablantes o sencillamente quitando o cambiando normas sobre la escritura; Ahora, lo que me toma por sorpresa (no sé si a ustedes) y encuentro de algo, un poco, de mal gusto es que ya el sólo/solo se written as one word "solo" without accent, just like this / this, that / this, and so on.

Obviously, I'm not against other measures such as the "Greek i" (y) is called "ye", or the CH, and LL and not letters of the alphabet (I never considered as such after all they are two letters together causing another sound).

The following excerpt is from Article "The 'Greek i' is called 'e'"
  1. The Greek i will e . Some letters of our alphabet received several names: be, be high or benefits for long b; vee, be low or benefits cuts for v, double vee, go double or go to w, i and e for the Greek or letter and, CETA, yield, zeta or Zeda to z. The new Spelling proposes a single name for each letter: be to b, for v vee, double vee for w and e for y (i rather than Greek). According to the coordinator of the new text, the most widely used in English of the Y is consonant (lightning, horse), hence its new name, the majority also in many countries in Latin America. Of course, the disappearance of the Y also because of the i affects America, now called simply i.

  2. Ch and ll are not alphabet. Since the nineteenth century, the letter combinations ch and ll were considered letters of the alphabet, but in 1999 became Spelling digraphs considered, namely "signs two-letter spelling." However, both ch and ll remained in the alphabet chart. The new edition of the deleted "formally." So alphabet letters become 27.

  3. Only black coffee without tilde . There are two written accent uses traditionally associated with the tilde diacritic (amending the letter as well as the modified, for example, the umlaut: arrive, old). These two uses are: 1) the determinants demonstration opposing this, this, these, these (That book I like) versus pronominal uses the same ways (That I do not like). 2) The voice that made the adverbial use only (just arrived here) its value adjective (Live alone).

  4. "How are you distinctions are not strictly conform to the rules of diacritical tilde (as in no way precludes a tonic to an unstressed word), since 1959 the spelling rules restricting accent mandatory only for situations of potential ambiguity (He said this morning come / said this morning there, I'll just this Summer / I'll just this summer.) Since such cases are rare and are easily resolved by the context, remember that you can not tick the adverb alone and demonstrative pronouns even in cases of ambiguity ", it says the new commission Spelling, who, yes, it does not condemn their use if someone wants to use the tilde in cases of ambiguity. Coffee for everyone. However, the SAR has spent decades leading by example and since 1960 in its publications does not tick either alone or in the demonstration.

  5. Guion, also without tilde . Up Now, the SAR considered "within the meaning spelling monosyllabic words that included a series of vowels pronounced as hiatuses in some areas as Hispanic and diphthongs in others." However, allowing "writing accents to those who clearly perceive the existence of hiatus." You could therefore write script-script, hui-hui, laugh, laugh, Sion-Sion, buffoon, rascal, fie, fie ... The new Spelling believes that these words are "monosyllabic spelling purposes "and that whatever form of delivery, is always written without accent: script, Hui, laugh, Sion, buffoon and fie. In this case also, the HKSAR is not limited to proposing and "condemns" any other use. As Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez said, "write script will be a spelling mistake."

  6. 4 or 5 and not 4 or 5 . The old spellings were prepared thinking that everyone escribíaa hand. The new has not lost sight of the modern mechanical writing: the already decrepit typewriter to computer. So far, the combination was written with accents when he appeared between numbers (4 or 5 million). Was an exception to the rules of English accent, "was the only word that could lead tilde unstressed." However, computer keyboards have eliminated "the danger of confusing the letter or the number zero, larger."

  7. Qatar Qata not r. Although there always was, reminiscent of the coordinator of the new spelling, the letter k and English fully, thus deleting the letter q as alone represents the phoneme / k /. "In our system of writing the letter q represents only the phoneme / k / in the combination qu before eoi (cheese, wanted). Thus, writing a few words with q (Iraq, Qatar, quorum) represents an inconsistency with the rules. " Hence happens to be written now: Iraq, Qatar and cuórum. What if someone prefers the previous script: "You must do it as if it were of foreign raw (quorum, in italics and without tilde)." Although this rule does not work for names that are still written in bold, just as some prefer to write New York to New York.
more information, feel free to read the article in full or wander around the latest SAR.

Thanks for the article to ladybrokendoll , and that but I had not found a source.


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