Wednesday, October 6, 2010

American General Finance

Today I come with some things that I found wandering around on the internet, I sincerely hope that helps some. Undoubtedly, certain items are basic, but all part of trifles so I look forward to take the time to keep an eye (or two, works best xD) and give the inspiration click .

Article : How to Write Well .
Author: I know, but should be there.

First of all, I'll just quote a few paragraphs, if theretofore like to read the full article: We welcome you.
  • Pace, pace, rhythm
In any composition, especially if they are to make someone laugh, the pace is essential. There should be no sentences that do not lead to any Instead, they have no reason to be there. Sentences should be easy to read and should lead the reader through the history of an agile and entertaining. [...]

The pace battery is like a song goes unnoticed when it is well played, but if not, the song is unbearable. Normally, therefore, we realize that a good text has rhythm, but when it is not clear that we needed to do something and not know what it is. It is the rhythm, is what makes between easy and we do not want to stop reading just a mess. So me terminé yo Ángeles y Demonios. Hay que joderse.
  • Cuidar la estructura
Todo aquel que haya hecho redacciones en el colegio sabe que los textos constan de tres partes bien diferenciadas: introducción, nudo y desenlace. Si no has ido nunca al colegio, no te distraigas porque vas a necesitar lo que viene ahora.
  • Cuida la ortografía
Procura cuidar la ortografía en tus textos. Las faltas son a tus artículos lo que las dissonant notes for best musical composition. So in groups of middling singer is always the one who gets wet.

misspellings divide between those who hit you a punch in the nose and that spoils the rhythm, but in fact any misspellings pace and finish destroying the morale of the seasoned reader.

The first class will find words like "exquisite", "umilde", "expect" or "vevida." Such droppings directly discredit you as a writer and completely break the pace of reading, among other things because the reader will think that if I had a card to write to you what should have been removed long ago. Things like "rider" or "imberosĂ­mil" should cost twelve points in a row. Even if you think you're going well, the best to everyone is to not go out to conduct an item under these conditions.

In the second class, those faults that basically destroy the rhythm of reading, things fall as the different uses of the for-what (together and separately), the yes-no and the wonderful possibilities of accentuating where, as Who, where and why-to. Some of them will have you removed a couple of license and other items will leave the reader wondering about what you really wanted to say, abortion in any case the race for the laugh.

Bus, took what was always stressed everywhere, an extra data: Madrid (do not know if you find in bookstores or have a envĂ­oa other countries) but There is a book called drafting Manual: How to write well in English will be a staple (?) I do not know, but nobody dies start, you can see and buy it here .

was thinking of a PDF on writing (hey, is not the same story), I hope to start soon.



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