Friday, July 30, 2010

Tessalon Perles For Cough

Tip: To err is not bad

"Delete often if you want to write things worth reading." (Anonymous)

Breaking the myth once and for all: No one is born knowing. You learn by doing and the temple, not a magic formula or a finger because the sinner has chosen God. So, how learning? Wrong. Yes, as you listen, make mistakes is normal and even desirable. It makes us see our faults and know beyond the murky reflection of who always does things right. It makes us more real and more likely to improve, because we learn how not to fall into error. If you do not believe me, just think of any great author, either Fandom or the likes of García Márquez. They are not perfect, nor put pen to write only when they think of a story. Writing well is work and work hard. Remember when they began to lay their first letters, or have seen a baby take its first steps? Neither you started writing with a calligraphy immaculate, and the baby was as national team football at half Anoy. Were puliéndose, understanding and assimilating what they needed. They were wrong and learned to overcome, as with anything in this life. It is even foolish to say: This is my first story, I'm a Cervantes. What makes you think that? Maybe and stating that this is just speculation from small have told us who else Success is the one who gets things, who makes no mistakes. But that's not true, who would fall, more persevering, prudent and careful when making your work, not who by several strokes of luck is good, what a horrible word-things. So we fear the error, we avoid it like a mutant disease. It is easier to believe that a person is better, which may subject him things go wrong ... and sinking into "this is the best I can do", but what and who says so? need to make mistakes and fall but not have the pride of not admitting the error, but approach it with humility and say "ok, my character has a lot of OoC, but I can correct if justified in this way, or gradually returns to be as stipulated Canon! / Fanom! ". Gain no zombie infection if they realize they are not infallible, but accepting them more capable of improvement. And that is what, if they are here, look.
not be afraid, since he is an overwhelming enemy. Borren, fifteen times if necessary, but learn to do things worthy of not only read but to write. Maybe not be the first to be put in the word processor, and will have to clean, repair, modify, and others, but be a good thing. Something that will make them proud.
The error is human, and the first step out of it is ok. Or as they say "The fall is optional, is to become mandatory raise." Experience, enjoy, apasiónense, and write without the stress of me went wrong. If you fall into a forum for criticism, whatever it is, take the things that help them assimilate and that for criticar se tienen que tener muchas herramientas. Es decir, la mayoría de la gente que está en esos foros no les quiere arruinar la existencia: quiere que mejoren. Si le echan ganas, y no se ponen como víctimas y mártires, lo harán mejor. Todo es un proceso, nadie nació con el conocimiento. Y sólo quien admite sus errores, los puede corregir.


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