Lost 6x05: 6x04 Lost
Es oficial: no me entero de nada.
- Si Kate se muere a mi ya me resulta hasta indiferente. Jack debería sacar algo de orgullo y darle una patada en el culo. Esta situación me pone de los nervios.
- Estoy empezando a pensar que Jacob fue el fundador de la CIA o algo parecido.
- Where's Desmond?
- Me ha gustado el viajito de Jack y Hugo. Me ha recordado a los viejos tiempos. Hugo es el típico personaje que a mi ni fu ni fa. A veces me cae bien y a veces me dan ganas de matarlo. El momento "I was broken" so sad! T_T
- En su vida parela Jack es padre. ¿De qué me suena a mi ese niño? ¿Ha salido anteriormente o lo he visto en Grey's? Mi no saber. Me he llevado todo el capítulo pensando en quién será la madre. Cuando fueron a parar a la isla, Jack estaba recién divorciado con lo cual podría be Sarah but I think NO. He's sure to be one of the Losties. I think it's Ana Lucia but I must admit that I also thought about Juliet but much less likely. I thought Ana Lucia before the accident because there was chemistry in the airport bar and I can not somehow also related to the father of Jack. Bah maybe I'm bordering too.
- The Alcazar of Jerez is a room you through a large mirror placed on the roof, you can see real time what happens in each area of the city and even look elsewhere. Everything depends on how the strings move. According to height in the mirror is placed, you can see farther or closer. The sun makes the mirror reflecting the outside and see a white screen to view these slides. With all this stuff, what I mean is that Jacob has reminded me. Perhaps a similar system or just one of the magical wonders of the island.
- The numbers represent the sexagesimal degrees of the circumference. That strong. Then we talked of 360 candidates from which some have died and others have been discarded I suppose. Who the rule and on what basis to do so? What is the criterion? I do not understand a fucking shit, that grated.
- And the above makes me wonder who the fuck is on its way to the island. Damn is that it does not pay. In a chapter meet one or two things and twenty questions arise. So the season should last a year at least.
- Claire. She has a look that pulls pa'tras evil in the end is true that something dark is cooked. When talking about all of "his friend" I figured that referĂaa little smoke and is that despite having been separated from the rest she also knows that whatever is your friend is not John Locke. I do not understand is why he has spoken to sarcastically to Jin when he said this "when you went away" if it was she who decided to chop ticket. It comes down to the same thing: little smoke. It is clear that before messing around with Locke's body has done with Christian, Alex and many others and it has been half island maniular very calf.
- Sayid and Claire have not passed the test. Damn.
"I think Jin has lied because he knows he does not walk very sane.
- Claire can not see Kate as a good example for the child but I honestly do not know which the two takes the cake.
- That thing chunga approaching the Temple is little smoke that is very angry because they had tied up with chains and throw sand because it is not where it should not strain xD Seriously has to be it right?
PS: I still do not understand a shit.
PD2: Jacob and I feel very bad Japanese life. Should deign to give an answer that it is time.
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