Friday, July 30, 2010

Tessalon Perles For Cough

Tip: To err is not bad

"Delete often if you want to write things worth reading." (Anonymous)

Breaking the myth once and for all: No one is born knowing. You learn by doing and the temple, not a magic formula or a finger because the sinner has chosen God. So, how learning? Wrong. Yes, as you listen, make mistakes is normal and even desirable. It makes us see our faults and know beyond the murky reflection of who always does things right. It makes us more real and more likely to improve, because we learn how not to fall into error. If you do not believe me, just think of any great author, either Fandom or the likes of García Márquez. They are not perfect, nor put pen to write only when they think of a story. Writing well is work and work hard. Remember when they began to lay their first letters, or have seen a baby take its first steps? Neither you started writing with a calligraphy immaculate, and the baby was as national team football at half Anoy. Were puliéndose, understanding and assimilating what they needed. They were wrong and learned to overcome, as with anything in this life. It is even foolish to say: This is my first story, I'm a Cervantes. What makes you think that? Maybe and stating that this is just speculation from small have told us who else Success is the one who gets things, who makes no mistakes. But that's not true, who would fall, more persevering, prudent and careful when making your work, not who by several strokes of luck is good, what a horrible word-things. So we fear the error, we avoid it like a mutant disease. It is easier to believe that a person is better, which may subject him things go wrong ... and sinking into "this is the best I can do", but what and who says so? need to make mistakes and fall but not have the pride of not admitting the error, but approach it with humility and say "ok, my character has a lot of OoC, but I can correct if justified in this way, or gradually returns to be as stipulated Canon! / Fanom! ". Gain no zombie infection if they realize they are not infallible, but accepting them more capable of improvement. And that is what, if they are here, look.
not be afraid, since he is an overwhelming enemy. Borren, fifteen times if necessary, but learn to do things worthy of not only read but to write. Maybe not be the first to be put in the word processor, and will have to clean, repair, modify, and others, but be a good thing. Something that will make them proud.
The error is human, and the first step out of it is ok. Or as they say "The fall is optional, is to become mandatory raise." Experience, enjoy, apasiónense, and write without the stress of me went wrong. If you fall into a forum for criticism, whatever it is, take the things that help them assimilate and that for criticar se tienen que tener muchas herramientas. Es decir, la mayoría de la gente que está en esos foros no les quiere arruinar la existencia: quiere que mejoren. Si le echan ganas, y no se ponen como víctimas y mártires, lo harán mejor. Todo es un proceso, nadie nació con el conocimiento. Y sólo quien admite sus errores, los puede corregir.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lost The Box For Ghiradelli Brownies Mix

♛ Affiliations

 Buenas tardes (según mi zona honoraria), mis queridos lectores, hoy vengo a dejar el botón de afiliaciones que tiene 

fic_tips  . I hope you enjoy the area.
Our button is this:

\u0026lt;a target = "_blank" href = "" _fcksavedurl = ""> \u0026lt;img alt = "" src = "" ; _fcksavedurl = "" /> \u0026lt;/ a>


¿Cómo afiliarnos?


Imagen de la web <b>Nombre:</b> <b>Utilidad:</b> <b>URL:</b>



Monday, July 26, 2010

What Can I Deduct If I Own The House


As always, I appeal to anyone who wishes to participate, do so. It is NOT necessary to have a Livejournal account, but rather to show interest in helping the newbies or fickers who come to this humble place.
Any information, questions or suggestions you can leave it in the next post. When the community is more organized there will be a place for everything (even I have created an e-mail).
So now you know;) Perhaps
many will say "It's just a hobby, so I can do whatever I want, but: No. As you know, literature is considered one of the fine arts, and therefore, your version n modern fanfiction should not be depreciated. Although not everyone wants to pursue a career focused on the lyrics, it is always important to bear in mind that English is our mother tongue and, the more you know, I respect and enjoy, we feel more comfortable. It is nice to have a repertoire of eighty words, including those insults ...
So I hope you enjoy this space and acquire, and share, knowledge about the improvement. Greetings, Reviews and Viellioit

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pain Between Shouldercoughing

Anchor: Anchor One More Time

He aquí el primer doujinshi del fansub, One More Time.
Titulo: One More Time
Autor/a: Blue Poppy
Escaneado por : fresisui
Traducido y editado al ingles por: houroumusume
Traducido y editado al español por: ikarichan
Rango: PG (todas las edades)
Pareja: Polonia x Lituania
Polonia ha desaparecido, Lithuania however not stop
see "the ghost" everywhere ...
Password: * poloxliet * (without asterisks)

Faded Knuckle Tattoos

no Fansub: Baccano! Premiering

Anchor is a small no fansub fansub that I have, which are edited and translated light novels both as doujinshi. Although right now this very new and has few things, I would like it to be something mas conocido, por lo que he optado por subir tambien las cosas a livejournal.


Son una serie de novelas ligeras, la historia comienza en los años 30 en Nueva York, en la época de la prohibición, donde conviviran mafias, ladrones, alquimistas, y todo por la búsqueda del "alcohol de la inmortalidad", el cual fue cedido a un alquimista en el siglo XIX. ¿Conseguirá alguno de ellos el anhelado elixir?
Autor : Narita
Ryohgo Traduccióny edition: Ikarichan
Correction: Turb0_Mugen
Baccano! Volume 1: 1930 The Rolling Bootlegs
portada de la 1º novela

color pages

Chapter 1

Registrase Tech Deck Live


From all I've seen lately this is one of the ones I liked.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Viral Bronchitis Go To Work?

Impossible is nothing.

Who would tell us? SPAIN IS WORLD CHAMPION.
After enduring so much criticism (with or without foundation), to hold the type, to be hit, after all that, the English team has made history. Because it has been much that has worked, what they have suffered to be where they are now, because nobody gave a hard for them and because they deserve hell. WE ARE THE WORLD PUTOS AMOS.

Because football is played and gentlemen, with a touch, classy, with elegance and poise. Netherlands do not know good football, played more rugby and that can not endure.

For San Iker Casillas has proved what they had to show and cried like a boy and I cried with him because he is great.


For Andresito bruised legs and still Iniesta scored the goal that made us champions.


For Pedrito he is good as himself and because now you see here and there and then uyy! almost brand.


For Xabi Alonso to leave almost no soul.


For broken T Llorente (and heaven knows that I will break but the mouth)


On the tip of the Queen and that hug that says it all.


For Piqué because it is literally the skin is left in each game.


On the dock, which makes the best sprints to celebrate goals of their peers.


rivals because even if most of the time also know how to be friends and colleagues.


For Villa wonder and its five great goals.


Because despite not having been a world and although I would have loved to see him score the winning goal, has left the soul in every game and that no one can complain.



Because even the Empire State Building has surrendered at his feet.


And because I love you with all my being and myself, THANK YOU CHAMPION!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cube Field Game On Cool Math

light novel site (?)

Well, that, not me Although the presentations are ... but you can call me ikari (even if five hundred thousand nicknames .-.) Anyway, enough time had already Livejournal with the fact (the bill) and with intent to use daily, but thought ... ****** What I write here? In the end, I thought, that just as I have a minifansub in blogger, why not use it here too? At the end of the day it is equally or even more comfortable to drive like that, I hope to update quite often around here with little things that fence by

^ ^ As for me, in a more personal ... I can only say I am a very plain little girl (?), Spain, although I would love know another good bunch of countries and not stay stuck in it. Personally I love Japan, why deny it? Both his music, anime, culture, language ... especially if you love me, I guess it is because it is very different from my own country ... Although I also like others, though.

As I said before, I am really bad these things from the presentations, but also it gives me the ortigrafía fatal, so I ask forgiveness for any stupidity that you may encounter as misspelled the place .. ..

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dirt Bike Party Supplies


Well, I posted the continuation of my fic together even for our differences which corresponded chapters:

Chap.2 fit
Chap.1 a study tour I met Posted
costs nothing Posted
Chap.3 new feelings, new intrigues Posted
Cap. 4 discovered that I like Updated
Chap.5 what I feel for you Updated

The "RESTATEMENT" are those who suffer have published, as took time without uploading, for some problems that arose with the computer which contained the file.
As we had reported in the author notes, since it is almost to the end. two to three chapters maximum for q end. to be honest, I am glad to finish my first letter, which of course I've noticed, I have improved my writing and can deal.

I am very happy to get to this point. but well, now moving up the order in which makes updates to the fics. be in order of publication.

updated list of Long's Fic's:

Together For
yet-RyoSaku our differences. Updated
Prelude to love, and consequences-RyoSaku matches.
For Update
The facts of our life-RyoSaku . Reload

Fics finished-One-Shot's:

RyoSaku Our letter. Full
A wake-RyoSaku dream. Full

Fics in Progress-Long's Fic's:

Dance of love-RyoSaku
love with the girl of my father-RyoSaku Review
Heart singing Review

That would correspond to I have planned and what happened, will soon be uploading the caps. missing, and I hope you like them. take care and thanks for running.

PS: if they can join the community or pasarce RyoSaku_English. to talk about the best fic's RyoSaku we've read.
