Monday, June 7, 2010

Steam Treatment For Hair



Well today I was given some type writing poetry (although I'm not sure what it really is) while waiting for my dad back of a building (I'm taking care of your self -.- U and I was bored -.- U) so you better take advantage of something to pass the time. And here I will bring this and see what you think.

deep eyes Boy

misunderstood soul

That vague searching for purpose

to which to devote your life.

Set out

With a desire and a single truth

find yourself

And you really

Hidden feelings

They may overshadow

main idea You

Today is when you ask

If it really was worth

Sacrificing your emotions

And apparently a soul in conviction

But I tell you now

To abandon this idea

not pretend it

When you get to be alone ...

Greetings! ...


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