Am I late, eh? It is not so easy. Supposedly my fellow community would have to submit something, but I'm the only one that roams around here xD.
Today is not so much, I'll be filling the community before starting basics to deepen, obviously you are invited a cualquier lector u user de LJ a cooperar en este pequeño espacio (ya saben,, así que, por ahora, sólo los dejaré con links de ayuda para que merodeen por esas comunidades.
Por casualidad, esta información es una cita de @este tema.
El primer aporte que encontré es el de Dryadeh en su comunidad Consejos para escribir un buen fanfic , tiene explicaciones de fácil entendimiento y ejemplos sencillos que podéis revisar en cualquier momento, también se responde a dudas que en algún momento podréis have at some points.
Another more specific link is the one that gives me McAnime , although the advice of some authors leave it there for a WTF?!, The notes I have are vast and there are explanations respective examples and room for doubt (although you must be logged in to that).
Although not many sites like these are a major information center with tips of all sorts (in a wide range of explanations what simpler than the other). We have the LMF by Sphinx, and the other LMF by Sir Sinacroft (@ direct support here.)
Elsewhere there are communities and forums for Beta-readers that please a wide field of Fickers with requests for Beta. Starting with the Beta-core Forum who has forums for different fandoms, along with the community in Fanfiction Beta Readers, who asked, who is running and a little help apart which has several adherents, explanations through E-mails People who help others and enough patience . There is also a
Betacore commanded by Sir Sinacroft.
you also a forum that can help is Literalandia .
Now Links more specific:
> Basic Guide to Starting a Fanfic by Blog Hogwarts.
> How to create a by DragonTrainer Fanfiction, Dark Latios and Fmorba.
> Write the spelling
> The following text is from the following LINK to access: Keys to write well.
Livejournal Turned around, I found a page that can be useful. Livejournal
: Fandom
Jobs Utilidad : Es una comunidad creada para encontrar gente que quiera colaborar en la creación u organización de diversos proyectos.
Comentario : Es como un tipo de Búsqueda masiva de Betas personalizados. Puedes dar tu opinión al respecto de determinado fic, y alguien postulará como 'Editor'. Ustedes verán si les sirve o no. La encuentro bastante agradable.
Recuerda: Comentar no causa viruela de dragón ;)
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