Saturday, April 3, 2010

Women Pub Golf Costume


Hello again people!

I'm back but still do not know under what conditions (not good of course.) Easter great but my body feels. It has been cold but particularly on Monday and early morning were to remain as Disney. I resfriadísima and quite tired but as they say it does not sting like scabies. I've spent most of the time-out and spent little at home I had a rest so I have not seen any of series. In fact, and oddly enough even get off me Lost ovid Wednesday. And I have all downloaded and then begin to see that if I am not accumulate and that's not good.

I hope all you all had a good week even if you have not gone anywhere.

As for my drama with the office to secure all know her because I am a heavy, say they have finally returned to USA and I'm waiting for my money back. If you believe qe and are promoting trade within the EU are ready. If you want people to buy here you have to do is not go armed robbery plan. If people buy out is because here things have exorbitant prices.

Well no more I'm bored with my stories for not sleeping. When you see Lost and my brain is able to process update it with one of those flip post I do lately.

PS: I do not know if my pc or internet but if that fails more than a cane gun.


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