Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is Sleep Apnea Hereditary

Lost 6x11: Happily Ever After. Sick and tired

if that was epic and the rest is nonsense. It is one of the best episodes this season if not the best.

- I knew that when Desmond came on the scene would be something great and I was right. It appears that this man is amazing and it smells a mile away.

- All that electromagnetism is to pee and do not take drop because joder, es verdad que Desmond sobrevivió a la explosión mientras que el otro pobre se ha quedado frito como un pajarito. Es grande hasta para eso. Ahora sólo tenemos que averiguar cómo y porqué >_<

- Cuando le ofreció a Claire llevarla en su coche me supuse que trabajaba para Widmore y efectivamente eso más o menos se veía venir.

- Cuando ha aparecido Charlie me han dado ganas de saltar y de llorar; todo a la vez. No puedo evitar que me entre la melancolía. También porque no sé si vosotras habéis visto lo mismo que yo al principio chapter and before the excitement began, and could see the parallels in the relationship between Charlie and Desmond. Is that I fall sombrajo bats because such a long echo less ... But I digress I know how I feel.

- For more mess to Charlie gets back the roll suicide and making brown bundles into the water and passes ESO hand on the glass and Desmond freaking out and not knowing how to remember / see or do not know ; what to call it the "not Penny's boat" and that it does and I end up dying and all my theories se van a tomar por culo y por si todo eso fuera poco el tío comienza a recordarlo todo y aquí si que se caga la perra de verdad. Omá. Alguien que me lo explique por favor porque yo no me aclaro una mierda, gracias.

- Me cago en la mar ¿Se nota que estoy escribiendo a la vez que lo veo? No encuentro una maldita palabra que describa lo alucinada que estoy. Eloise aparece en escena y dice eso de Whatever happened, happened y la tía se queda tan tranquila. Y yo me muero enlazando una cosa con otra y mis ojos se van a salir de sus órbitas. La tipa después de todo resulta que a pesar de todo sigue metida en el ajo hasta las trancas y el pobre Des está worse than me and that is saying. Above is Dan's back while watching the scene and OMG how great is Lost, and who says otherwise has no discretion in the face or eyes.

- Oh look at you now where he is seen not only Dan's neck but he talks with Des as he did on the island with the world. Implying that knows more about what it says and it is to be pulled by the hair. NO SLEEP TODAY.

- Okay let's get serious. This is a joke but no laughing at plan "that bad" if not "mourn not laugh." To me is a complete stranger for very son of my boss and it tells me the story of "I am a musician but I write stuff advanced web math blah, blah blah" and at least I do is run to save my life. I'm serious. So sometimes it fascinates me. Dan comes to tell Des that without knowing anything again creating that link and see you Des up to respect because he has been the same ... I say it again and I repeat only the beans but great is Lost. I do not know if I've explained but well there it is.

- Connections, connections and more connections. The three feel something about something that happened or who have shared and I know how to define it. My being in heaven.

- God of my life my greatest epic. Desmond / Penny best OTP ever. AWESOME.

- And the final? Could it be that Des is the link between both realities, or what the fuck does that mean then? And the big question How can something be happening? I can not take my life, I mean it is too.

- I'm sure I'm jumping OS things the way someone enlighten me please. YAAA publish your entries. Thank you, sincerely me.

PS: needless to say that although he has not mentioned the chapter on Richard and Richard centrdo themselves are good love. Piro said that I continue to digress ...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Women Pub Golf Costume


Hello again people!

I'm back but still do not know under what conditions (not good of course.) Easter great but my body feels. It has been cold but particularly on Monday and early morning were to remain as Disney. I resfriadísima and quite tired but as they say it does not sting like scabies. I've spent most of the time-out and spent little at home I had a rest so I have not seen any of series. In fact, and oddly enough even get off me Lost ovid Wednesday. And I have all downloaded and then begin to see that if I am not accumulate and that's not good.

I hope all you all had a good week even if you have not gone anywhere.

As for my drama with the office to secure all know her because I am a heavy, say they have finally returned to USA and I'm waiting for my money back. If you believe qe and are promoting trade within the EU are ready. If you want people to buy here you have to do is not go armed robbery plan. If people buy out is because here things have exorbitant prices.

Well no more I'm bored with my stories for not sleeping. When you see Lost and my brain is able to process update it with one of those flip post I do lately.

PS: I do not know if my pc or internet but if that fails more than a cane gun.