Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gay Masterbation Games

Preview Junjou Romantica 2

Waaaa! I can not wait to see it! Kiero
verla1 made us wait long! aunke lack pokito very pokito
and every sacrifice is a reward waaaa!

On the other hand !!!!! need only a final chapter to the Nabari no Ou buahhhh !!!!!!!!!! 1! that atrocious! that I'm wrong! in the capital 26 o.oUu
decide everything Nabari
talking ... an amv I found ... I really liked the song is cute .. y buah! and is YoitexMiharu .... the cutest couple of ESAT series ... buahh!

and elsewhere! uu no kiero backery antique end!

why todo lo bueno tiene que terminar?? Y^Y^!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Capillaries All Over Body Burning

Toshi with T-earth

No puedo creer que venga Toshi y no tenga dinero para pagar la entrada!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

muero! muero !TTOTT!!

puxa! na quever! ¬¬Uu..... si hubiese sido cualkier otro artista, no me hubiese importado no comprar la entrada! pero, no! es Toshi, osea casi Dios XD! puxa! por qué son tan caras las entradas U.U!!! TOT!! buah!
¿quién me compra una entrada? LOL

para la persona que vaya! emm! pasenlo bonito el 11 de Octubre! y disfruten el doble en mi T ^ T XD honor

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Possible Effects Of Polyps In Gall Bladder

Alice in Wonderland

Here is a piece of history that was mentioned a few minutes ago ..... I think I'm getting Lj mania XD !...... well, who wants to read only ..... XD someday I will draw this story in a manga .... XD I will be happy LOL! after a Dibu escanearé I have of all the characters together, and the show! are cuaquier thing! less scary XD ¬ ¬ Uu

PD: MIDOS and Marius, the young people displayed al final, tienen yaoi live XDD ejem! cof! cof! pero aún no llegamos a ésa parte de la historia Cuak LOL


Alicia en el maravilloso inframundo

Había llegado tardíamente el domingo, día, en que la pequeña Alicia solía pasar el tiempo leyendo novelas de terror. El día comenzaba perezosamente al compás de las melodías de las aves. Caminaba con paso apaciguado por el verde sendero hasta encontrar la sombra adecuada de un gran y gray tree. It was then, sitting on tree roots, the distance he saw a peculiar being, who seemed to have the shape of a rabbit. Strangely he was before a dark-haired rabbit, just black, jumping and jumping until they were lost to the dark entrance to a large tree with no foliage. Alicia admired, put aside his reading, to follow the same steps of the rabbit. Alicia turned pale when he saw the tree that seemed out of the bowels of one of his most terrifying novels, noted strangely circular entry was made an empty interior.
>> How strange, had sworn that rabbit went aquí_ Alicia murmured incredulously missing in the incident.
had finished speaking these words, when the tree seemed to come alive. First began waving his arms wildly to catch one of the arms of Alicia, which she was struggling and frightened loose. But other of their branches swiftly took by the waist, lifting from the ground into which he inserted, while the girl screamed scared to release her by depriving them of their appeal. Alicia
caíay fell into a chasm that seemed to end, at least that was what she thought. She no longer cried because I had done enough in the beginning of his journey to the bottom. Their clothing was changing as it fell, changed slightly to a much darker clothes and gloomy. Until finally touched the ground first with your feet shaking, then his body entero.
>> ¡Ouch! Qué dolor_ se lamentaba al momento que levantaba la vista y divisaba nuevamente al extraño conejo de pelaje negro, parado a una pequeña distancia de Alicia, mirándola risueñamente con su único ojo rojo. Alicia quedó algo helada al ver al extraño ser, pues no era como el común de su especie, sino que éste de pelaje negro, tenía las oreja largas y mutiladas, todo el aspecto en él, era descuidado, es decir, su pelaje sin brillo, la ausencia de uno de sus ojos, entre otras cosas.
>> Oh! Look at the time I'll be late! I must hurry! Hurry! _ Said this particular rabbit out when a small pocket watch silver. It was, repeating over and over again these words, skipping and hopping to cross a door gloomy and gray. Alicia
did not understand his position, was in a foreign place to her, and all ordinary human being. I did not know what to do. She was alone in the midst of what appeared to be nothing, all he had in that desolate space, was this door that the rabbit had entered. He felt he was losing his head. Again and again repeated "can not" is just a dream, "and while trying to be optimistic, little by little I noticed that time seemed to stand still there, so , that without further hesitation in his actions, decided to go after the rabbit had gotten into this mess.
>> It's your fault! _exclamaba While advancing with hasty steps to that puerta_ ¡Tendrá que devolverme a mi mundo!
Seguía llenando el espacio de palabras similares a esta, cuando al fin, tocó la manilla vieja y plateada de la tan vieja, como ella, puerta.
>> ¡Oh! ¿¡Qué manos tan tibias son éstas!? ¡Ya perdí la cuenta de los siglos que han pasado desde que no me tocaban manos vivientes!
Alicia se asustó, al ver que no encontraba al autor de tales exclamaciones, parecían provenir del aire invisible que la circundaba.
>> ¡Oye! ¡Aquí! "Do you not see me!? What little girl could be heard as more insolente_ Alicia, drought moving his head from side to side to see the author of such a serious voice. Until it dijo_ Below! Alicia
And finally bowed looking at the door. Indeed this was the one who issued such human sounds. Alicia quickly rushed to release the silver handle taking a step backwards.
>> What's not going to get a girl? _ Asked the door faded.
>> E-emm ... I can do? _ Articulated with difficulty after a silence.
>> I welcome you to the underworld. Entrarása the realms of Vincent King, ruler of all lands dead and the darkest.
>> I-underworld? _ Alicia repeated incredulously.
>> Yes. Only I warn you here have only entered the souls of the dead. It has never entered a living human as tú_ said, Alicia while almost let out a sigh of horror_ But for that very reason I let you. You can stay here waiting, but I promise that you would place your grave ... JaJa
laugh it started to dry and sonorous laughter.
>> And if you walk out that door? _ Almost atrevimiento_ Alicia asked what will happen?
>> I've been here for centuries. I've never seen the inside, only doing my job. So I have no idea what to expect, but perhaps have a small fortune to find a way into the world of the living there. But if you run out go, be sure to never find it.
>> Very good! _ Said Alice boldly enforced.
No more waiting, as he did the black rabbit, now the blonde Alicia, franqueaba that door to an unknown destination.

the other side of the door, found a graveyard full of low white mist dancing in the thick atmosphere. From the depths of the earth began to emerge in the strangest and poignant, whining. Alicia increasingly appalled to notice that the room was filled most of those eerie wailing. But however, saw nothing. No movement. Absolutely nothing. Only the graves, old, new, silver gray, he had all kinds. But the most distressing regret were small sounds made by babies (at least that seemed to be). Charmed giggles, of them, tears them, sighs of them. Alicia felt I really could not go with this, until suddenly he felt a little mess in her lap, afraid it was, it took some looking down to see what it was. When he did he found a disoriented baby crying. He was pale, very pale and gloomy. Regardless of size, this baby seemed to have something evil.
>> Ahhhh! _fue almost heartbreaking cry that Lycian issued before running with all his strength into a confusing later. However
ran when he found another figure, which appeared to be far away.
>> Help me! _ Shouted to be, but is, despite what I thought Alicia was very close, the only detail was thus that he was a very small stature.
>> Are you new? _ Said to be black and face tiny inexpresivo_ So I welcome you to the realms of our majesty, the king Vincent.
said as he pulled his head with long arms (which were disproportionate compared the body) arching a bow.
>> Ahhhhh! _ Was again the cry again Alicia issuing before falling white consciousness in frozen ground.

in a black space, which was slowly dying her with clear lights, Alicia awoke. Again, in a gloomy, but not as scary as the others. He rubbed his eyes closed, then open them and look more closely at the environment. In doing so, he found two more things: a tall, slim, with long ends all compared his back, which was normal, dressed in an old black suit and a black hat high . The other was a rabbit, but not the same I had seen earlier, this was different. For starters I had two eyes, his hair was gray, but it was equally unkempt animal as Alice saw from the beginning on their journey. Both were sitting on a small table with small stalls, in which the rabbit was well installed, but not the same for your partner. Drank tea.
>> Have you seen a rabbit around here? _ Alicia asked rather timidly. Both
turned his face to see the child.
>> How rude. I am one Did you know? _ Said the grumpy-looking rabbit.
>> Emm ... No! I say Yes! I nervously articulated sé_ Alicia_ but I mean other sr. Rabbit. It is black and missing an eye
>> Ah! Of course, if we visto_ responded again the rabbit. While the other being long, because of its braising in the mouth, did not speak and only issued a hallucinatory sounds Yes
>> Can you tell me where it went? _ Asked Alicia again.
>> was in a hurry to reach the castle rey_ gris_ rabbit said the king's castle is there.
He said the rabbit, as he raised and extended his left leg to point out a road of big trees on each side, with a dark destiny and confusing.
>> Thanks! _ Alicia hurried to say as he got up from the ground and started running.
>> Hey! Do not want tea! _ Loudly said the young rabbit, inviting Alice.
>> No! I have quick! _dijo Alice from a distance and then agregó_ Thanks!
The bells rang throughout the room, from far away. Jingled once. Jingled twice
>> It's time for no-mor! It's time for no-mor! In no-mor! _cantaron Rabbit and be long, when Alicia was too far to hear them. The truth is that the whole kingdom was singing.

Tired, Alicia stopped running when I was in that lush forest. His breathing and breath. His body stopped at the maze of roads that were before it.
>> Q-What do I do? _ Sighs with breathing difficulties.
>> Want to help? _ Said a voice from above. Alicia
glanced toward the heights and observed a peculiar child, sitting in one of the highest branches. This in turn spread his lips to form a thin, mocking smile. Continuing, this boy was released from the high gold foliage to fall down Alice stood.
>> I MIDOS _ the boy and was presented only añadió_ on one condition.
>> What? _ Alicia asked scared.
>> Go! Do not panic! I will not do anything! _ Said in his sonrisa_ only need to answer one of my puzzles and I'll tell you the way to the palace.
>> How do you know? _ Alicia asked.
>> just sé_ said the boy appeared to be only slightly older than Alicia. Her dress was purple and black like his hair and ears gato_ Do you agree or not?
>> All right.
>> very well. This answer:
"The guitar is the one who causes
showing a verbal body
And that goes from your mouth
The final silent"
>> Huh? _ Issued Alicia puzzled.
>> It is well known in your world. You disappoint me. Alicia
began repeating the words over and over again, constantly thinking about what it meant.
>> A recital? _ preguntó Alicia avergonzada.
>> ¡Error! Si hasta estoy siendo bueno contigo_ dijo Midos cerrando los ojos en una mueca de decepción_ Lo siento perdiste.
>> ¿Mn? ¿No puede haber otra oportunidad?_casi desesperada dijo Alicia.
>> Está bien. Está bien. Pero es la última oportunidad, si no aciertas tendrás que arreglártelas sola _ dijo y luego agregó su acertijo:
“Una cajita chiquita
Blanca como la cal,
Todos la saben abrir,
Nadie la sabe cerrar”
>> Oh! Please! It's for kids! And it's your world .... What more do you want? _ MIDOS said while Alicia was a great effort to pensar_'re not very good at this right?
>> I have it! _después A long silence pronunció_ Alicia is the egg! Right? Right?
>> Emm? Correct!
>> Yay! _ Alicia started hopping with joy after hearing this.
>> was very easy .... And took you almost a century stressed responder_ MIDOS, embarrassing the child.
>> well. Ahí_ is MIDOS said, extending his index finger pointing the way to the right.
>> Gracias_ Alicia said, bowing politely. Then began to run towards the announced direction. Alicia
away, clearing the path, lost among leaves of different sizes and colors, to a long and confusing way.

>> You are very travieso_ said a man emerging from trees, addressing Midos_ Why help this girl?
>> I agradó_ MIDOS said.
>> Well, vamos_ said with a smile I will leave that hombre_ naughty side.
>> Marius! _ MIDOS said blushing.

How To Audition For Eastenders 2010

underworld wonderful Alice in Wonder Underground

Well, another vid .... Buck-tick this time ... Well, I can never resist the voice of Sakurai is the ultimate in my book U / / / U. ... well, with that of Tatsurou with that of takuya, of kyo ... and many more XD

This song put them, because I was remembering something, XD, my teacher asked me as a history of terreror work (obviously ).... made by me with my history I best friend (Jacqueline). A horror story we were asked, not knowing what to do, so thinking of this song (which I love) we came up with the Alice in the underworld ..... XDDDD ended up being anything else, but by no means scary XD

the end, the funniest thing was that we never remember well the story of Alice in Wonderland! hasta el día de hoy no lo hacemos, y el profesor, que nos pidió una sólo página de historia, recibió cinco, y ni siquiera íbamos en la mitad. XD

Después algún dia les muestro el diseño de personajes... que tenemos dibujado ¬¬Uu... y la historia, bueno, al menos lo poco de historia que alcanzamos a escribir, porque el tiempo era reducido XD....... la buscaré ahora mismo XD.

y este vid, que no sé por qué lo pongo XD.....sólo porque me encanta esta canción ¬¬Uu (Diabolo)

Pokemon Silver Soul Sprites

sei00 @ 2008-09-05T21: 45:00

Adoro esta canción! es, me parece, el último single que ha sacado Alice NIne, Rainbows, this song belongs to that name! kya! I love this group! I eat the vocation * Q *! XD

Another pv I love Alice Nine, a castor ¬///¬.... poko do not know why I like so much XDDD ^ ^ Alice Nine

when I will come to the girl more Chile1 XD happy in the world is dreaming XD

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Weslo Cardio Glide Manual

sei00 @ 2008-09-03T03: 00:00


Wolas! so long! theft again this videito! I made a friend! was a drawing she did! and I liked how you kedo! I think the truth only to climb aki nunka I forget ^ ^ Uu .... XD ^ ^

it true that draws beio?