Thursday, August 21, 2008

How To Make Usb Dongle Bios

gift many times have labeled me crazy ........ have mentioned many times that this tiny person has come to be so great madness ......

From my childhood I have said that ..... even now when I talk to people far from my early childhood .... I say things like "you were always so ..." "Strange ...."

I do not know what they should feel or at least think of those words ....... words will be empty or unknown truth of my existence?

I know one thing that is relevant to me ..... What Know-each person has not yet ......
They are right to say ... I'm crazy for them .... that's the truth ..... but only HIS TRUTH .... Not my

But what people know all the madness? I can only respond to his accusations ... is .... the madness .... like other conditions of human beings believe .... although objective ... not (as good, evil, justice, etc ....). So the madness is only a subjective characteristic of the nature of a person ..... We can call such a person .....¿ But why should we determine in our words an existence that is not the nuesra? No We can tell you what your condition if we are only observers, only that soul has the right to question and conditional upon herself. ONLY HER ... NO ONE ELSE.

I must admit that many times I've been about to fall .... yes, fall and finally say ... "Yes, I agree ..... I agree ..... I am a sick man (as all human beings) I'm crazy ..." but I have not given ..... pulses were only a desesperación.manifiesta .. and thank God I have not succumbed to it. Only I will become a person without sanity when I condition myself to be, when I call myself ...... so not before.

relief only through me of these words .... carecientes sense to others. This is only my solo shelter and held those repressed feelings in my soul. I know no one reads ..... Golden words are just lost in the wind .... sóloi that, but it's something I do not care ..... just hope that this small space near existing, be my confidant, my deaf confident that shelter, all my sorrows ... all the words almost cursed my existence does not wish to retain only that .... ....


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